3:14 AM
Not a lot of people know how to bounce back from a bad Internet business experience. It is one of the toughest things to do because once you have a bad Internet business experience you have no faith in what the Internet can do for you since you went through that experience. It is going to take some time but the one thing that you have to do is work on your mindset in order to forget the past and take advantage of the present in order to better your future.
There are many ways that you can go about working on your mindset and this is going to help a lot when bouncing back from a bad Internet business experience. The first thing for you to do is to get into personal development in order to open up your mind and this can be done by reading positive thinking books and listening to motivational audiotapes.
The more positive energy that you have around you the better to you will be able to associate with people who are like-minded and have goals in mind same as you. By finding these people you're going to help yourself because they're going to motivate you by just being there and sharing their ideas and thoughts.
The more time you spend developing yourself the better is going to be for you because you're going to catch that sense of enthusiasm and positive thinking that you're missing in order to completely bounce back. There is no need to rush because is going to take some time regardless. This is why you must always keep in mind to be patient and stay focus on what you want to accomplish.
Once you are able to conquer this and overcome the bad Internet business experience that you had it will be a big step in the right direction of becoming successful.
Do you want to learn more about how Willox Perez runs his home based business online? He has just completed a brand new marketing system.
You can see it FREE here- http://www.WorkInYourUnderwear.info.
Willox Perez is a veteran home based business expert who is revolutionizing the way business is done on the Internet by creating a community, building friendships and establishing trust.
3:11 AM
There are many people who wonder if is really safe to invest in a free online opportunity and the reason why most people are so cautious is because of all the bad things that go on in the Internet. The truth is that is very safe to invest in one of these opportunities but you have to make sure that you do your research. This is the mistake that many people make and then they think that the Internet itself is not safe. In order to truly enjoy your experience you have to be careful in what you decide to get involved in.
Investing in a free online opportunity can be a great move for you because you will have a chance to get started in making an extra income on the Internet. But just remember that is not going to be easy and is going to take some time for you to see the results of your efforts.
In this business there is really no guarantee and this is the reason why most of the ones who get involved are entrepreneurs. This means people who take risks and always see the rewards instead of the risk that they're risking. If you truly want to get involved in this kind of opportunity you have to let go of the thought of wondering if is safe or not to get started.
My suggestion is to approach it the right way by taking your time in studying the individual free online opportunity this way you will see if is a good investment or not. There is no need to rush because by rushing you're just going to be throwing your money away without knowing exactly where it has to go.
Instead of wondering if it's safe to be part of the specific free online opportunity start figuring out if it's smart. By utilizing this way of thinking is going to help you in the long run as you continue to look for the right free online opportunity for you.
Do you want to learn more about how Willox Perez runs his home based business online? He has just completed a brand new marketing system.
You can see it FREE here- http://www.WorkInYourUnderwear.info.
Willox Perez is a veteran home based business expert who is revolutionizing the way business is done on the Internet by creating a community, building friendships and establishing trust.
3:08 AM
As a former classroom teacher, I tend to think of my marketing style as one of marketing to fifth graders. I loved teaching that age group, ten and eleven years old, and they were eager to please me as the teacher. Now that I teach adults all over the world how to start an online business and make money from their computer, there are many similarities I have observed.
Teaching these people is like working with fifth graders. They are confused and sometimes take no action until I give them specific directions. Once they understand what to do, there is no stopping them from achieving their goals. That is part of what I love about what I do.
All of us want to be appreciated and to know someone out there cares, so when my students receive an unexpected gift from me they are deeply touched. I used to surprise my fifth graders with cookies or a video; my adult students get excited when I record a video for them or hold a webinar on a Saturday morning to help them. It's very similar if you think about it. In both cases I am showing the people, no matter what their age, that I truly care about them.
My fifth graders would also become very lazy with their assignments if I did not stay on them. My adult students need to be prodded along at times, and I make sure to remind them what to do. Many times people do not take action for another reason, so finding out what the underlying problem is will definitely make a difference in the end result.
I have also found that adults and fifth graders alike easily get distracted by something new and exciting. As their teacher, I must constantly remind them to stay on task and finish what they have started before moving on to a new project.
Remember that the reason to start an internet business is to give you the time and money to live the life you choose. Download a free teleseminar on building your online business by visiting http://www.OnlineWritingSuccess.com to learn how to write articles, blog, become involved in social networking and learn the technology needed to build a profitable online business. Connie Ragen Green has been online since 2005 and teaches people how to build their own online business in record time, offering free teleseminars weekly, as well as online courses in a workshop environment with webinars. She is also a former teacher who loved teaching 5th graders.
3:05 AM
Everyone's got an opinion. And in the internet age, everyone can and does voice their opinion online. A short search online will bring back at least one person's opinion about every kind of business under the sun, from eye doctors to painters. Restaurants are particularly targeted by the masses of opinion makers out there, since the very nature of making and serving food is so subjective.
So do you have any idea what people are saying online about your restaurant? I have talked about Yelp in previous posts, the restaurant review site that has had a tenuous relationship with restaurant owners at best since its inception. But Yelp is only the tip of the opinion iceberg, and the restaurateur who ignores the behemoth that is social media is doomed to the same fate as the Titanic.
This is not to say that the opinion machine driven by social media is all bad. It is, however, a decidedly double-edged sword. On the one hand, positive reviews and feedback coming from your happy customers can bring new customers in droves. On the other, one jerk who may or may not have actually had a bad experience can pick up the megaphone and start screaming nasty things about your restaurant.
84% of American consumers say online reviews affect their decisions on products and brands. That's a number you simply cannot ignore. So what should you do? 4 steps to manage your restaurant's reputation online:
Step 1: Listen to what people are saying. You can't manage something if you don't know what you're dealing with. So tune in to the internet and start listening. Some places to start: Yelp, OpenTable, and UrbanSpoon are just a few of the myriad websites that post restaurant reviews. An even better option is to use Google Alerts, which will scour the entire internet for new content with your restaurant's name in it and send you a report on what it finds.
Of course, don't forget about the social media behemoths either: you should be on Twitter and Facebook anyway, talking about your restaurant, but if you're not, go there today and get started!
Step 2: Respond to your critics and thank your fans. The new internet (a.k.a. Web 2.0) is all about conversation. You've listened. Now it's time to answer. Yelp gives some helpful tips on how to respond to both positive and negative reviews. No matter how you respond, do it with a healthy dose of common sense: e.g. don't insult people, don't act defensively, don't act like a jerk, don't pat yourself on the back, etc. Basically, all the things that annoy you about people at a dinner party are the same things that are going to annoy your customers online. So avoid them.
The most important thing here is the creation of a dialogue. When you interact with customers, you cement loyal fans in place and you blunt the negative effects of the critics. You also appear open and engaged, which will earn you serious points with all your existing and potential online customers.
Step 3: Take the initiative. Don't let the naysayers define your restaurant's reputation online. If you're not offering an alternate narrative, then people will start to think everything they read about you is true. Here's where Twitter and Facebook come in. As I already said, if you're not an active member of these two sites, then stop reading this blog post and go create an account with both.
The reasons for this are simple. These services are free. These services are popular. These services are also considered culturally important. Take the time to learn how to use them and then start talking about how great your restaurant is. You'll be amazed how many people want to listen. All this costs you is your time, and the potential for new customer development is virtually unlimited.
Step 4: Gather intelligence. This goes hand in hand with Step 1, but you can't really gather effectively until you've started the conversation that follows from Steps 2 and 3. Once you've established your own presence online, you can start to really learn exactly who your customer is and what they want. This is the revered Holy Grail of marketing: knowing customers better than they know themselves. You can achieve this through effective online reputation management.
That's because when you converse with your customers in the realm of social media, you are going to start noticing trends and patterns. If you are careful about tracking and analyzing this data, you'll be able to learn the habits of your customer, which means you'll be able to serve them better, which in turn means they'll write nice reviews about you online....
You get the point.
Gregory Scott McGuire is a regular contributor to The Back Burner Blog, a resource of restaurant news and trends written by the employees of Tundra Specialties, a company specializing in restaurant equipment, supplies, and equipment parts
3:02 AM
If you have never understood or learned what online business is, you should know that it is pretty easy to learn how to start an online business. You need not go through elaborate B-School semesters or write examinations. The 3 easy steps described below will launch you in to business quickly.
1. What you need
To launch into an Internet business, you will need a home computer with an internet connection, preferably high speed or broad-band. In almost every form of online business, you will need to access different web sites during the course of your working. In some cases, you will be working directly on the web site specifically created to suit such environments. That emphasizes the need for a reliable internet connection. You don't need a swanky office or other paraphernalia to start an online business.
2. How you start
There are different types of business opportunities available to you. The first step is to browse the internet for several hours or even several days, until you find an opportunity that you are comfortable with and have the confidence of delivering the business needs. The popular search engines like Google and Yahoo are there to help you with this task. Once you key in the term "online business opportunities" and strike enter, you will be amazed with the number of pages that are brought to you in seconds.
3. Where to begin
Yes, this is where most people get confused. By now, you have read at least some of the hundreds of pages brought to you by the search engines. You have seen the affiliate marketing opportunities, then some web sites with lots of colors and larger than life size fonts asking you to just buy a $15, $30 E book or a kit that contains every thing you need to know about how to start a online business. Understand that these are typical signs of a scam site, which means you will only lose money and make none. If Data entry is your area of expertise, do further research to understand where the actual opportunities are. Look for contact information of the web site owners, do they have a physical office and telephone number? Are they reachable on phone and do they answer your questions?
Would you like to learn more about starting an Online business? I just completed a brand new free guide.
Download my brand new free guide here: Online Business
12:40 AM
Everybody has a different interpretation of simple. If simple to you implies you do not need to do any work then this article is not for you. On the other hand, if simple to you implies you don't need any technical skills then read on. I am ready to reveal to you a fast and simple way to generate cash online.
The system I am offering to reveal to you can bring in $1000 within 24 hours if you need it to. It's truly not difficult to make money online. You really need to be willing to put in the effort to make it transpire. No matter whats going on just know that there is still a lot of cash being made online.
So here we go. The primary thing you need to do is discover a dilemma that you can deal with. Alleviating difficulties is the recipe to generating cash online. Think of all the various difficulties you know millions of folks are having every single day of the week. For example, hefty folks are forever looking for a way to drop pounds quickly. If you know a quick way to lose weight, create a small report on it and charge $5 to $7 for it. Sell around 200 reports and you will have made $1000.
You see information products sell like crazy online. Folks are forever online looking for solutions to their difficulties. If you can create a quick report that solves their difficulties, you can generate a lot of cash fast. Your report must just be around 6-20 pages in length. The key is to get straight to the point and hand them the steps they need to take to eliminate their challenge.
To learn more about short reports and how you can use them to make $1000-$2000 in 24 hours online visit make money online fast.
12:37 AM
In order for an online newbie to become an Internet master there are 3 stages that he must conquer and comprehend. Once he is able to understand each stage and apply the lessons learned to his business he will be considered an Internet master. Many people think that the process is complicated but the truth is that is very simple and you will see how simple it is as you read each of the following stages.
#1 - Finding Your True Self
It is very important for a newbie to find his true self and in this case you have to develop your mindset and discover who you really are and what you want out of your online business. It is crucial to dedicate some time to finding out what the purpose of being in this business is. Also you must make sure that you develop a positive attitude in order to be prepare for the obstacles that you're going to face in your journey of becoming an Internet master and of succeeding in your business.
#2 - Identifying Your Own Style Of Promotion
In order to become a true Internet master you must find your own style of promotion and develop it throughout time. I can suggest of a way that you can get started but remember that you must still find your own way to do it. The method I suggest you use is known as article marketing and this is something that is very powerful and effective. The key to article marketing is just being consistent because the more you do it the more results you are going to get in your business.
#3 - Making Patience One Of Your Virtues
In this business you're going to have to make patience one of your virtues because the process of obtaining success and becoming an Internet master is going to take some time. The worst thing you can do is rush into things because that's going to mess everything up and slow the process down.
As you are able to go through these stages you will become an Internet master as long as you stay consistent and stay focus on the goals that you want to achieve. Remember that once you get through these stages it does not mean you are done because you must never stop becoming better and improving yourself.
Do you want to learn more about how Willox Perez runs his home based business online? He has just completed a brand new marketing system.
You can see it FREE here- http://www.WorkInYourUnderwear.info
Willox Perez is a veteran home based business expert who is revolutionizing the way business is done on the Internet by creating a community, building friendships and establishing trust.
12:33 AM
This article is a full-blown cheat sheet on how to create an Autopilot Business - Internet marketing systems that make sales, put money in your bank account, pay your bills and give you the Internet marketing lifestyle -- whether you believe in it or not, think you can do it or not.
Your Step-By-Step Online Marketing System *? Put it all together
a.? Go on forums, meet people and make friends with list owners
b.? Get 'em on your Twitter account and Facebook
c.? Put up a little sign up page for your affiliate program
d.? Have your affiliates send visitors to your squeeze page
e.? On the thank you page, put the sales letter or sales video for your product.
f.? Have a great series of emails that go out to people who don't buy immediately.
g.? Make sure you follow step #3 in my list.? It's the one that makes the machine hum.
Now, I've left out some steps.? But who else is giving you step-by-step info of this detail without charging you a dime?
Why do I call this a SYSTEM?
Here's why:
Fact:? The first time is the hardest
Fact:? The second time gets a bit easier
Fact:? The third time gets a bit easier
Fact:? You do the same process over and over
Fact:? Usually your "hit" comes on tries 3-7
Fact:? Chances are, your first one won't be your "hit" so don't sweat it so much
Fact:? The hardest part is the learning curve
Don't worry about the "performance" of what you create until you can easily create and you're over the learning curve part.
A system is something you boil down to a sequence of steps and do over and over.
The OUTPUT of your system properly operated is "the Internet lifestyle."
If your output isn't "The Internet Lifestyle," then you don't have the right inputs.
Here are the inputs:
1.? A target market who is hot to trot to BUY
Notice I did NOT start with this super duper product everyone "needs."? I started with the market hot to buy.
If you can't say specifically who the market is for your product or service, you skipped the research your target market step.
A system is a sequence of steps. You can't skip steps.
2.? A product people WANT not just need.
3.? A squeeze page that 15% or more subscribe to
4.? A thank you page and follow up autoresponder process that converts 6% or more of people in the funnel to buyers.
5.? A sequence of products you sell
6.? Sales conversion posts on? your blog, podcasts, videos, ustream events, and audio postcards.
The bottom line is that if the dollars are there, affiliates WILL send traffic.
The traffic WILL convert if you've found a Hungry Target Market (HTM) and presented a Killer Sales Letter (KSL) and a fantastic autoresponder follow up series using "the full arsenal" of sales conversion tools.
Once your target market is selected, squeeze page is erected and functioning at 15%+ conversions, thank you page and autoresponders convert 6%+ to sales, then affiliates will drive the traffic.
At that point, the system is mostly on autopilot.? Your affiliates drive traffic.? Autoresponders follow up. Sales are made. Products are digitally delivered.
THAT is how you auto pilot a "marketing sales system."
Ask yourself:? Which of those factors do you ALREADY have?? Which are you lacking?? What is your plan to fix the things you lack and get them installed into your online marketing process and system?
Get your "How to Create an Autopilot Internet Marketing System" for free.
Marlon Sanders is the author of "The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy and the KING of Step-By-Step Internet Marketing."
12:30 AM
It is very important for you to establish an Internet presence because by doing so you're going to let people know that you're a real person. There are many people on the Internet that are not who they say they are and this is what makes people very uncomfortable when going on the Internet. If you want to establish an Internet presence there are 3 things that you must do first.
#1 Make An Account In The Social Networking Sites
The first thing you have to do is create an account in each of the social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Once you are able to do this then people are going to see that you're a real person because you will have pictures and videos of you and the people that you interact with. Once you make these accounts you just have to talk to people and interact with them as there's going to be a lot of people asking questions and just wanting to chat. The more interaction you have with these people the more they are going to know you and the more they're going to talk about you on the Internet.
#2 Create A Skype
You will definitely have to create a Skype because you will be able to chat with the people that you encounter in the many social networking sites that you're in now. When someone wants to do a one-to-one chat with you Skype is the best way to do it. When I think about it I really wouldn't know what to do without skype because is a very useful tool. The cool thing about Skype is that is completely free to talk to anyone in any computer around the world and you can download it free as well.
#3 Create An EzineArticles Account
Of course creating an EzineArticles account is usually for article marketing and it's a good promotional method but you're also going to be able to build an Internet presence as well. People are going to be able to see your picture and what you're all about over the Internet and they're going to be able to relate to you. This is why an EzineArticles account is very important to have if you're serious about promoting using article marketing.
Do you want to learn more about how Willox Perez runs his home based business online? He has just completed a brand new marketing system.
You can see it FREE here- http://www.WorkInYourUnderwear.info.
Willox Perez is a veteran home based business expert who is revolutionizing the way business is done on the Internet by creating a community, building friendships and establishing trust.
12:27 AM
When it comes to achieving online success the 2 things that will help you the most are business ethics and honesty. There are a lot of people that think that by just finding a way to promote and forgetting about honesty and upholding business ethics they are going to be successful. The truth is that it does not matter what you do if you forget your roots of honesty and ethics it is going to show and people are not going to follow your lead.
Even if it takes you a long time to be successful it is better to be honest than to lie to someone just to benefit from him or her. The way that you can develop honesty is to get into the habit of always telling the truth. You have to understand that it doesn't matter what you say because the truth is going to come out one way or another.
It is common sense to follow business ethics when it comes to business but of course not everybody does. When it comes to an online business you have to make sure that your honest because there's not a lot of people who are and that's going to separate you from the rest. When people start to notice that your honest then they are going to follow you and listen to everything that you have to say.
As I mentioned before this may be the longest way but just keep in mind that it is the right way to handle it when it comes to doing business on the Internet. Just put yourself in the position of somebody who is new to the Internet, how would you feel if you believe what someone told you only to find out that they lied? It would not be a good feeling right? That's what you must keep in mind whenever you encounter someone because honesty is the best way to go.
Do you want to learn more about how Willox Perez runs his home based business online? He has just completed a brand new marketing system.
You can see it FREE here- http://www.WorkInYourUnderwear.info
Willox Perez is a veteran home based business expert who is revolutionizing the way business is done on the Internet by creating a community, building friendships and establishing trust.
8:31 PM
The lure of owning your own internet business is irresistible. Who wouldn't want to work from home and control their own destiny? This is the first in a series of 5 articles that will explain step by step how to start and build your own business without spending a lot of money. I have read many articles about starting your own business. For the most part, I have found them to be vague and occasionally self-serving. I decided to take a clear, step by step approach to sharing everything I have learned about building a profitable business. This series is for anyone with a sincere desire and a willingness to work. If what you are looking for is a get rich quick without any effort or money scheme, then you will be disappointed if you continue. I believe it is possible to build a business on the internet if you are willing to put forth a consistent effort with a clear plan in mind. Let's get started.
The first and most important step to take is to realize that you do not have to re-invent the wheel. There are hundreds of thousands of successful businesses on the internet. The majority of them were started without any new ideas. That is the formula for franchises. Take a successful business and put an exact copy somewhere else. I am not telling you to copy and plagiarize a successful business. I am telling you that you can take ideas from successful businesses and put your own spin on them. I will talk more about this later in the series.
Now that you have the proper mindset, what should you do? Sit down and think about what information you have that other people would want to know. Think about your career or in my case, careers. You have hobbies and interests that are the same as other peoples. Maybe you have a family or are newly married. Have you just graduated from college or retired after working the same job for 30 years? Have you been laid off because of the recession? Make a list of all of the different parts of you that define who you are.
After you have your list, take a step back and think about all of the experience you have to offer in each area. No matter what your interests, hobbies and life situation is, you have information that will help other people. The difficult part will be deciding which direction to take. What you want to do now is use facts to help you narrow down your decision. Start with your favorite item on the list. Chances are you know more about that than anything else because it interests you. You want to see how many other people it interests because they may be willing to visit your web site and spend money while they are there.
I could write an entire article on keyword tools. They run the gamut from very simple to very sophisticated. As you build your business, you will want to work your way up the ladder to more sophisticated tools. In the beginning, you can use Google's keyword tool to see how many other people share your interest. Just go to Google and do a search for their keyword tool. Simply plug in your idea and see how many searches per month there are as well as how many searches per month there are for related phrases. Keyword research will be critical to your success.
In this first article, you began to narrow down your niche. In the next article I will help you further refine your search. The main point to remember is that you want to find a niche that has an advantageous supply/demand ratio. Oh yes and an audience that is willing to spend money to buy your product. No product? Don't be concerned, we will get there.
Bob Abrahamson is a lifelong entrepreneur. He started with his own lemonade business and has been successful in real estate, land developing and banking. He is now helping other entrepreneurs become successful with their own businesses. Visit his website at http://www.bobabrahamson.com to learn how to find the right business for you.
8:27 PM
The major advantage of starting your new business online is that you can do it without major financial investment.
You can start blogging for free! (Google run the best known free blog service but there are others.) What's important is that you have something worthwhile to say, because you can't make any money unless you get lots and lots of visitors to look at your blog. Even though you're not going to have to spend much money you are going to have to spend some time and effort to make your blog into something people will want to visit, and most importantly, to re-visit, often.
There are lots of techniques you can use to create a buzz around your blog. You can create a squidoo lens, write articles, ping search engines, network on social networking sites and set up RSS feeds. These will all play a part in driving traffic to your blog site.
To make money you need lots and lots of visitors. You also need something for those visitors to spend their money on! Choose a product based around the subject of your blog. You'll do well if it's genuinely something useful, that solves a problem common to your particular niche. You can search for suitable products at Clickbank.com and commission junction.
Once you've found a product that's going to be appreciated by your visitors you can monetize your blog by putting a review, photograph or graphic or banner ad on your blog. This is not difficult to do, and certainly Google's blogger has excellent technical FAQs to guide you through the process.
It is possible to insert Google AdSense ads onto your blog which will, it theory, generate an income if enough of your visitors click on those ads. It's certainly worth trying if you have a very high-traffic blog and your blog subject matter is general rather than specific. But you will make more money by concentrating on one excellent product that you can personally recommend.
This no-money-down method of starting to make money online does take time and effort. It's not easy but it is simple, and it does work. And it's a great way to start generating some income without having to pay out a fortune first!
Andrew Charleson helps people make money online. You can get his latest ebooks 4 EASY STEPS TO EBIZ CASH and EBOOK MILLIONAIRE SECRETS REVEALED at http://www.homebizcashmaker.com (get them now while they're still free!)
8:24 PM
Over 24 million people are working at home right now, more than at any other time in history. Why is that? Because it is now easier than ever before to earn money from home, thanks to the internet.
Companies of all types are rapidly moving toward a new marketing model known as Affiliate Marketing. Companies rely on this form of marketing because their affiliate costs are based on performance only, and the concept has huge ramifications. And that's no understatement! Last year alone, affiliates accounted for over 6 billion dollars in sales.
An affiliate marketer can promote a physical product,, digital or electronic products, and even services such as credit repair, education programs, travel, the list goes on and on. If you want to be a work at home mom full time, or just work from home part time this may be just what you are looking for.
It costs a fortune for companies to advertise in the traditional way. But affiliates (people like you) allow them to generate sales at a fraction of the cost - a win, win situation for both parties. Affiliate Marketing is a proven, easy way to help highly successful companies promote their products and get paid a handsome commission for every single bit of business you help them get. These include well known companies such as Sears, Jet Blue, Sony, Blockbuster, Men's Wearhouse, Staples, and Banana Republic just to name a few.
Getting started in Affiliate Marketing can be quite simple, in many cases no more involved than just registering. But to be successful, there are some other, necessary steps you need to take. And one of the very first steps is to find a profitable market, or niche.
What is it that you are passionate about? If you are going to promote a product, it is probably best that it be in an area you care about.
If you have a hobby, or special interest, there is a good chance you might be able to make money just by referring people to internet sites that offer products in that market. Maybe you are an avid golfer. Recreational golf is a huge market, and there is lots of money to be made there. But, you first need to do your research.
Make a list of potential markets, and then do a Google search on each item. For example, fly fishing might be a possible market niche for you. How many paid ads are there? If there are quite a few this will tell you that money is being spent to promote in this market.
You can do basically the same thing with magazines. Using the fly fishing example again, go to your public library and find a magazine devoted to fly fishing. Look at the ads, display as well as classified, for the last three issues. If you see the same ads being repeated from issue to issue you can pretty well be assured that money is being made with that product in this market.
Although there isn't space in this short article to give you all the info you need to work at home as an Affiliate Marketer, this information should at least get you started. There is much more information available to you here for free: http://www.AffiliateMaverickMoneyMakers.com I most certainly would encourage you to check this out. And be sure to watch the videos; you will not be disappointed.
8:21 PM
For many people financial freedom means you can stop being a wage slave and have the time to discover the things you really care about. This is because they know the answer is to create more than one income pipeline.
The whole concept of thinking about anything other than making money, and discovering the real you is, of course, utterly bizarre to the majority of people in the world we now live in.
For 95% of people, their lives are built around 'WORK'. This dominates their lives to the point where there is no room for anything else.
A bit ironic really, since only a few years ago we were all being told that, thanks to European Legislation, we were going to get shorter working weeks giving us so much free time we would not know what to do with ourselves. It didn't happen of course, the Dot. Com. bubble burst, and the effects of globalisation put paid to any ideas that we may have had. Not only were we going to work just as hard, but now we were going to have to do it for longer!
The height of madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result
and that can prove uncomfortable. If school and university is designed to give us the basic building blocks for our future, who do we assume will teach us the clever stuff when we leave? Who do you talk to and listen to when you need to make those life changing decisions?
In reality we are guided by our employer (who as we know, always has our best interest at heart!), also our friends and family, although how anyone can have a worthwhile opinion about something they have neither done, nor seen at first hand, defies logic. I KNOW, I KNOW they only have our best interests at heart, but it's a bit like asking your bank to give you independent financial advice!
If we are honest with ourselves,we probably have a list of direct debits on our bank account that dictate exactly how we live our lives We are not free, we all join in the morning rush-hour traffic to service the monthly bills and credit-cards. Think you own your own house? Try missing a few mortgage re-payments and you will soon find out! Very few people can wake up tomorrow morning and genuinely have the choice of how they want to fill their day.
What I am saying is that, making sufficient money is no longer down to good fortune or luck, it is all a matter of listening, learning and following proven systems for creating such financial freedom. It is not by chance any more, (unless you win the lottery) it is by choice.
Choose to take your first step in making money with the internet by setting up your own money pipeline NOW.
David I. Booth
David Booth has tried many money-making programmes, but the one he recommends is the one he has been the most successful with. Click on the link below for more details:
8:17 PM
Hip hop money earners. When you think of that phrase what do you think of? Young rappers, video girls and hot-shot teen producers? Maybe. But did you know many other teens and young people have found a way to earn money from this lucrative industry ... without knowing how to rap or even dance? In fact, many of these young people don't even like rap music that much
How do they do it? They participate in the lucrative billion dollar hip hop accessories market. Until recently this has been a highly overlooked market by most people. But still it quietly grows each year along with the culture. A hand full of companies make piles of money and are perfectly happy to keep it quiet.
But many of these companies need teens and young adults to help market their products, provide insights and even take surveys to find out their likes and dislikes. After all, the middle-aged (and over) heads of these companies need hip teens to be their ears and eyes. The market for hip hop accessories include? clothing, posters,? bling jewelry, dance videos, exercise videos, ringtones, rap beats, memorabilia and much more.
The good news is all these products sell well online. This gives young people an opportunity to make money with their computer by simply creating a website and marketing the products to others.? Many of these companies offer free training, sales tools - even a website.
This opportunity comes just in? time as unemployment rates continue to climb. But many are finding hip hop accessories still sell well despite the recession. You can see that.? For example,? have you heard of any related companies laying off scores of employees like you hear other businesses doing? Of course not. Why? Because it's proven to be a recession-proof industry so far.
Teens and other young people will spend there last dollars for a hip hop related accessory. That's a fact. But I don't' have to tell you this, if you're a young person you know this.?? But many smart young people have figured it out and quietly turned the tables.
Now? instead of just spending money on these accessories, they use them to make money. Many started as affiliate marketers and gone on to create their own products or accessories. Did you know most online companies will allow you to become an affiliate marketer for free. When you sell a product or item you earn a commission, simple as that. Now you know if even you can't rap, sing or dance you can still make money from the lucrative hip hop industry. You can continue to sit back and watch it make money or join it... but you can do both.
Don't let it pass you by. Want To Know The Top 7 Ways Teens And Young People Are Making Money From Hip Hop? Go To ... HipHopIncome.com