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5 Reasons Why Internet Gurus Will Build Your Online Business


I have found that choosing the correct mentors can give you critical information that you need to build your online business. These individuals who have been a part of the internet marketing industry for a period of at least three years and hopefully longer, have already made the mistakes, and figured out systems and approaches that can be very helpful to a "newbie", (I do not really like this term, but it seems to be a well known industry term), or some one who has been on the internet for a while and is not achieving their goal for being on the internet.

There are many reasons why internet experts will help you jump start you online activities.

Reason#1: They make money. You are subjected to the latest strategies, techniques, triggers, and emotional appeals to get you to part with your cash. In return, you usually receive great value in terms of eBooks, cds, audio interviews, video of every kind imaginable, and tons of information that if you take the time to digest, points you down the path of success.

Reason#2: They increase their status and preeminence in their field. Since the world is all about perceived expertise and the credibility that goes with it, the internet gurus do everything possible to give you confidence and persuade you that their systems and concepts work. The more you are convinced, through case studies, testimonials, great copy, and results (the holy grail ), the more money you will spend. (Hurah for upsells, downsells, sidesells, and everything else that sells.)

Reason#3: They compete and work together at the same time for reputation, subscribers, and you guessed it, more money. This come under the heading of affiliate marketing, which is a completely separate topic I do not feel qualified to write about.

Reason#4: The gurus love interaction with prospects, customers, affiliates, and vendors of importance in the online world. The run teliseminars, podcasts, webcasts, coaching courses, workshops, and live single or multi-day events. Many are great teachers, some are entertainers, (one in particular has an act that would work in Las Vegas) and all are dedicated to creating and delivering outstanding content and great products. What is cool about this reason is that for a modest sum, you can get direct access to these individuals and even ask them direct questions.

Reason#5: They get addicted to the process, and since success breeds more success, they create even bigger and better products, that do more and more for their clients, enabling them to (you guessed it) charge more money. These guys remind me of "Tiger" who is totally set, but wants more and more victories.

I would love to tell you the products and courses I am now involved with, but this is against the editorial policy of ezines.com. The gurus I have used, who shall remain nameless, have directly or indirectly helped me understand the internet world, and I publicly thank all of them for their teaching ability, wonderful products, full of great content, and their well organized concepts and systems.

But just a word of caution. When you enter the world of internet guru magic, you will usually get great content, and value, just keep one hand firmly on your wallet, or at the very least have a large unused line of credit on your credit card.

Joel Helfer is an online advertising expert, with 40 years business experience making deals, crafting compelling online and offline offers, and has been very successful in several businesses. He can be reached online at helfer217@aol.com Search his site http://www.rewardchicago.com.

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