10:45 AM
The key to making money online is solving problems. Everybody has problems. You, me, the flintstones, the jetsons, EVERYBODY. If you want to make money, solve some of those problems. So how do you find problems to solve?
Here are a couple sites you can use to come up with ideas.
Boardtracker - Boardtracker is a directory of boards and forums. You can search and find a forum on just about any subject. Type in your keywords, hit search and you are off. Hundreds of forums will pop up. Go through, find a few and start doing a little research. Look for common questions that are asked often. Also, look for phrases such as "HELP". This means it is a pressing problem and the person is screaming out for help.
AnswerBag - Answer bag is a site similar to yahoo answers. People come to the site and ask questions. This is the perfect place to find problems. There are probably close to a million questions on this site. Once again, find one that is common. If it has been asked several times that could mean a great financial opportunity for you. You simply create a short, 6-20 page report providing a solution and you start selling it for $2-$17. You could easily make a couple thousand if you market it right.
You can also us other sources such as magazines to find problems. Once you find a problem move quickly on it. Create a short report and get it online as soon as possible so you can start making money. Sort reports sell like crazy online. If you do it right you can make a lot of money.
To learn more about making money with short reports visit make money online fast.
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