10:47 AM
The forth and final step in making money online is traffic generation. Once you have created your short and set up your website its time to get visitors so you can make some money. It doesn't matter if you have the greatest product on this side of the Mississippi, if no one knows about it, it is useless.
When it comes to generating traffic, I would suggest first finding one method you are good at and using it to dominate the search engines. For example, if you are great at creating videos then use that to your advantage. Don't try to learn anything new in the beginning. This will only slow you down. Go with what you already know and diversify as you go along.
There are 3 methods I use to generate traffic. Article marketing, video marketing and press releases. I do article marketing the most out of the 3 and that is because that's the one I'm best at. I write great articles and I get great results because of that. Therefore, article marketing is my dominating force. Once again, start with whatever is easiest for you.
If you have never done any of these then I suggest starting out with article marketing. Articles are not hard to write. The key to pumping out a ton of articles is rewriting. You can say the same thing a million different ways. So write one great article and rewrite it several times. You could easily turn one article into 10 different ones. As you go along you will come up with more and more ideas and before you know it, you will have 30 or 40 articles ready to be submitted to the directories.
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