12:11 AM
In this article I will discuss the real secret that others often won't tell you about making money online. When I first started looking into making money online I found reams of information on how it would be easy and all I would have to do is buy that product and the money would come pouring in. Does this sound familiar to you? I found product after product that told me that I would not have to do anything, I wouldn't have to sell anything at all and everything would be automatic and I would have an Internet business. Well guess what, none of it really worked!
In order to make money online or off line you have to understand the truth. Here is the real truth about Internet business and making money online...in order for you to make money online, someone has to sell something. That's right, something has to be sold and money has to change hands before any money will come to your account. I don't care what you have read and how many sales letters tell you that you will not have to sell anything. Nothing happens and nobody gets paid online or off until something is sold.
This can work many different ways in your internet business.
You can sell products or services directly from your web site. In this example you have a product or service and you sell it yourself in order to get paid.
You can create a product that other people sell. In this example you might create a product and set up an affiliate program so that others can sell your product and product income you themselves and for you.
You can send traffic to someone else's site where they sell something and you get paid. In this example you are sending traffic to a product vendors site and when a sale occurs, you get a commission as an affiliate.
You can broker traffic to a site that pays you for the traffic or a specific action. In this example you send traffic to a site and get paid if the visitor takes an action like filling out a survey or a contact form.
In all of these examples, something had be sold somewhere down the line in order for you to get paid. Even if you are not the one doing the actual selling it is important to understand that the only way money can change hands is for a sale to occur. Even in the last example where you get paid by sending traffic that performs an action like filling out a form. That site owner has to sell a product or service before they can pay you. In this case you are getting paid for lead generation. That web site owner knows that they make a certain amount of dollars per lead and they can pay you an amount and still profit.
Would you like to learn more about starting an Internet business? I just completed a brand new free guide.
Download my brand new free guide here: Internet Business
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