6:43 AM
Some people have the hardest time when it comes down to analyzing an online business opportunity.?It doesn't matter whether it's an online business opportunity or a business offline.?They have a tendency to struggle with understanding the difference between solid due diligence and being paranoid.?Paranoia is nothing more then having excessive or irrational suspicions and distrust-in the motives of others.?
This is not a business skill you want to use for researching business opportunities.?However doing due diligence is a great skill if done right.?Due Diligence is a process of, analytically, logically, and comprehensively judging an online business opportunity.?This is where the problem starts most people don't know how to properly do their due diligence effectively.
Now rightfully so, it's okay to be a little suspicious.?However, passing on an opportunity because it's on the internet and sounds too good to be real, is just ridiculous.?To be honest, there are more and more people turning to the internet.?They are looking for help due to high unemployment, drop in the stock market and lousy housing market.?Since an internet business is 100% recession proof.?This is why there is an increase in the number of people getting involved in online businesses and finding great success, it's not uncommon for an internet business owner to generate $5,000, $10,000 or even more-a week online.
Learning how to regulate effective online research is a skill that will help any potential online entrepreneur. Most of what is seen in videos on the web, particularly income proofs or live events with lots of people, is real. Furthermore, many of the people making income claims would welcome the opportunity to speak with you. Call them up, talk them, and see what your 'gut instincts' tell you.
Effective due diligence should include using every resource possible to determine how legit the online opportunity is.?Potential entrepreneurs will want the resources to be credible and non-biased sites, such as The Better Business Bureau, Federal Trade Commission., and Consumer Reports.?If there isn't any dirt on the business opportunity after searching, it's probably legit.?Should this take a long time??The answer is yes, it should require some time and effort to do a through job of research. ?After finishing the through examination, the potential entrepreneur will have a solid sense if the company has true legitimacy or not. Then the decision will not be based on any random assumptions.
Not to mention, many types of online business opportunities, particularly MLM companies, are required to make their "income disclosure statements" public.?An income disclosure statement detail how much money everyone in the company is really making, not just the top income earners. Make sure to always check the corporate websites for this report.?It is a very revealing report and will cut through a lot of the smoke and mirrors.
Zack Miller is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Zack and his team have assisted hundreds of people in generating profits that exceed $250K or more in their first year. For more information and to contact Zack, visit: http://www.generatethewealth.com
6:40 AM
Free offers on the internet are like free money from the government, neither is ever really free. ?(And that truth won't even count as one of the five!)
The operators of free offer (FO) sites purchase the gift items that attract people to their sites and make them want to investigate the offers. ?Now, what do you think the odds are that they just want to give these items away because they just happen to be nice people? ?They may certainly be nice people, but they don't gain anything if you just show up at their sites. ?They get paid whenever people choose one of their advertisers with which to sign up for whatever product is being presented. ?That's when the money comes in so the FO operators can buy more incentive gifts to attract more people to their sites, and they start over giving away more stuff!
Here are 5 helpful things to know about Free Offer sites:
- Every offer on an FO site is a banner (ad image) that links you to the web site of the brand name company that is making the offer.?
- Not every incentive gift is a bargain compared to what your costs for the selected offers are.
- Risk Free Trials (RFTs) allow you to try a product for a specified period of time if you'll pay the account start-up costs (which is usually a small bookkeeping fee or the shipping and handling charges, or both).
- Most RFTs are negative option transactions meaning that, following the trial period, unless you cancel the order, you will automatically be sent a periodic supply (e.g., monthly, etc.) of the product you sampled and you will be charged for it.
- Always read the "Terms and Conditions" (often called the "Gift Rules" or something similar) which contains the "fine print" of the FO sites.?For example, a?few offers require that you "bring a friend" who must also register and complete a set of selection pages just like you did, in order to qualify for the giveaway incentive item.
If you're an internet bargain hunter and want to know more of the truths about these online free offer sites, please read what the investigators at FreeOfferDetective.com have uncovered for you.
6:38 AM
If you are looking for a way to make some excellent money without having to deal with the daily grind of your current work situation then consider working from home. There are various different types of jobs that can be done from home with the right dedication and commitment. Some of the most popular work from home jobs is that of paid online surveys, transcription, and data entry.
Paid online surveys really are something that is out there waiting for people to take advantage of. Companies are looking for consumer opinions, as this is a big part of the marketing or product creation path. In order to get the attention and the time from willing participants, marketing companies will compensate them for their time.
Online paid surveys are paid when the surveys are completed. These surveys usually only take anywhere from ten minutes to a half hour each depending on how long they are. This means that you can complete a few each hour.
Transcription is simply where you take audio recordings and type them out word for word. You have to have the right patience and skill for this but it is something that can be learned if you really want to give it a go. Transcription jobs can either pay per page completed or per project. Start and stop when you like as long as you have the job finished by deadline.
Data entry is another great work from home job. Simply compile a list of data into an easy to read online spreadsheet. Pay is generally per record and hundreds of records could very well be done in an hour for someone who can concentrate and work fast. In the end, it is all about what you are comfortable with and how much time you want to dedicate to your new job.
The beauty of these types of work at home jobs is that you can sign up with multiple companies and work a full time schedule. Be sure to check the rules with each company you sign with but this is a great way to boost your income and to keep your work interesting.
Either way, no matter which work at home job you pick, you are making a decision that will benefit your entire life. No longer will you have to deal with all of the time and frustration wasted in a daily commute into the city. You can work out your own schedule, which means you have the flexibility you need in order to give family the time they need from you. You can also work from anywhere that you can get Internet connection from.
With the help from current technology you could take your laptop on vacation or anywhere else you need to be and still be able to do a little work or keep in touch with your clients. There is also the comfort level to consider since you can, after all, go to work in your pajamas. You will save money not having to buy new work clothes or buying lunch out every day.
HomeNetPro is dedicated to helping people find honest and legitimate work from home opportunities and home business ideas. Find online work to include legitimate online paid surveys and many other opportunities to work from home today by visiting: HomeNetPro.com
6:37 AM
When you search the Internet you are bombarded with all kinds of offers that promise you to make a good passive income. This is supposed to mean that you do work one time and the money will keep on rolling in even when you sleep. But there are a lot of misconceptions about passive income at what it really is. You need to understand that there is a lot more to passive income than just said and forget it and make money while you sleep. Here are some pointers to help you understand what the true meaning of passive income is.
Understand that work is always involved:
Passive income doesn't mean that you get to just sit around and do nothing while the money just roles in. You always have to work to keep the system going otherwise the income will eventually dry up. Even if money was rolling in at first that is because a lot of work was put into it in the beginning stages to get to this point, but it will take an almost equal amount of work in order to sustain the income. This is just money that is working for you to bring you in more money faster than what you could if you had no money, but work is always involved on your part one way or another.
Passive income leverages other people's time:
No matter what you believe about passive income one way or another work has to be done to generate the money. This can be either you doing the work or someone else doing the work for you. When you are able to leverage your money then that is your money that's working for you to bring you even more money. This can be considered an example of passive income, every dollar that you have is like a little worker bringing you in a return on invested dollar. You can also use money to leverage other people's time to make you even more money. Once the income systems are set up you can automate them so that they run faster or you can pay someone else to maintain the system for you, but the system will keep working so as long as it is maintained.
Passive Income Is Sustainable:
Most importantly it is just a system you have set up that will bring in money like clockwork once it's running. You can get to the point where it's running so smoothly all you'll have to do is manage the system to make sure that everything is in order. You will have to work hard though to get the system in play, once you have the system in play you can use some of the income that you generate to hire other people to manage your system for you. This is true set it and forget it income, you're making money while someone else is doing all the work, very similar to what most people do for the company they go to work for everyday.
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6:35 AM
If you have some time to invest, yes you can make money online without a website, experience, or money even... and I'm not just talking pocket changer here either. I'm talking a substantial online income!
I know that sounds impossible but thousands of folks just like you are doing it each and every day... and some are making quite a killing. Enough so that they can finally quit their nine to five and live comfortably and secure in the knowledge that they now control their own financial futures.
Actually, I am doing that right now and it feels really great. I started making money online without a fancy website or any experience at all... and I sure as heck didn't have any money to invest.
Didn't matter though, I still made money. I was lucky not to fall into some of the traps out there like so many other new marketers do.
I started with Affiliate Marketing, and know that is not some kind of pyramid scheme or network marketing mumbo jumbo. It simply means you sell other people's products for a cut of the sale.
You simply write informative articles, submit them to article directories and other sites in need of content, and in exchange they allow you to leave a link back to the product you're selling.
If you make a sale, you get a commission... it's really as simple as that. However, the trick is to find a great product, learn how to write the articles, and figure out the best way to drive traffic to a sales page.
You to can make money online without a website, experience or money out of your own pocket. In fact, there is a whole movement on the Internet that does just that... they call it the Bum Marketing Method because you can take a bum off the street, take him into a library with an Internet connection and have him making money in a few hours.
It assure you it can be done with a solid plan of action and, well, action!
I know how you might be feeling right now... no one goes online looking for ways to make money if they already have enough. I was exactly where you are right now, not so long ago. I know how confusing and frustrating it can be finding someone you can trust to teach you how to make money online. I'm that guy though, and it won't cost you a penny to check out my site... although it may likely be the most important thing you do all day. Please visit with me at http://www.4d-mmb.com to see what everyone is talking about!
6:32 AM
Work Online Jobs
How fantastic would it be to find a job that you can do on the Internet? On the Internet, there are thousands of jobs available. Are you a student? Are you disabled? Or, are you retired? Or maybe unemployed? Whoever you are, wouldn't it be fantastic to earn a living online?
It is all possible!
Making money on the Internet is such as easy thing to do today, because the Internet is huge. And everyone is able to do it. You just relax behind your computer screen and look at the money come in But, a common mishap that most people have, is not finding the best job. Also, choosing a proper job.
It's too difficult to cover all the plausible ways to make money online in one article because there are so many. This is why I'm simply going to cover working online jobs.
1. Something to check out first is Affiliate Marketing. Once you start up a successful affiliate marketing website, you'll definitely be seeing money quickly, about $200 when you begin, and up to $1000 when your website is running longer. I do affiliate marketing, which is why I recommend it.
2. Starting up an online business for money. eBay is a great starting point for an Internet business because they handle all the "nitty gritty" stuff. On eBay you can put your own prices on your items and sell anything you want. Money is saved by running a business online because it doesn't require you to pay rent or buy equipment and so on. Also, sales online have grown so much over the last few years. It's much easier to purchase products on the Internet, so everyone is doing it. Everything is a positive in your favour as you'll be running your own Internet business.
3. You can start professional blogging. The best thing about blogging is the freedom to write whatever you want. When writing blogs as a profession, you will allow yourself to earn a huge income, because of the ease of writing about whatever you want. The second most preferred way for me to make some money online is through blogging.
4. If you're only wanting to get by, by paying the bills through Internet money, then I suggest doing paid online surveys. The majority of individuals who do paid surveys, do it as a part-time job, to earn those extra bucks. Doing surveys is one of the easiest jobs you can do at home for money, because you just relax, sit there and click. Many organisations can improve the quality of their products by conducting surveys to see what people want, and this is where you can earn money. Other surveys, such as group ones and phone ones are available, and things such as watching movies or movie trailers and getting paid for your opinion on them. More information is available off one of the other links within this article.
5. I know people that do this, so you could become an online poker player, earning an income from it. Online poker is a profession, exactly like regular live poker has its professionals. Lot's of people would rather not play poker as a profession, but the people that say this have no confidence in themselves when playing the game, mainly because they don't know how to play. For anyone that does play poker, they'd know it can be won, because someone has to win. What needs to be remembered is that you will lose some, and you will win some, but the aim is to get an overall positive income from it. Some of my friends play a little every week and they earn a good $800 on the side, paying for studies and stuff. You only have to learn how to do it.
As well as the above, there are many more ways to make money on the Internet. To look at some extra information about the methods used above and even more to make money online, visit Make Cash Online.
6:30 AM
When I first started out online, I thought I needed a fancy website. I paid a web designer several hundred dollars and he created a very nice website for me. But I was new to the online business world and I just didn't know what to do next.
I soon learned that a website wasn't going to make a difference in my bottom line. I needed to be visible online and to create content that positioned me as an expert in my niche. The answer to this was to set up a blog. I did not have money to spend on more technical help, so I set up a TypePad blog and had it up and running in less than an hour. I added an optin box to this blog so that people could leave their name and email address to receive more information from me.
Then I began writing and submitting articles. This was a way to start creating content that could be seen by people all over the world. At the end of each article I included a link back to my blog. Readers began to visit my site regularly and my list began to grow.
When I think about it now, it all makes perfect sense. Setting up a website just isn't necessary. I now have many one page websites, but a traditional site is more like a brochure for your business, instead of a way to make money quickly.
If you are just getting started, set up a blog, either hosted WordPress or TypePad, write some articles, and establish yourself on Facebook and Twitter. Plan on holding a teleseminar or internet radio segment, and find an affiliate product to promote.
Remember that the reason to start an internet business is to give you the time and money to live the life you choose. Download a free teleseminar on building your online business by visiting http://www.OnlineWritingSuccess.com to learn how to write articles, blog, become involved in social networking and learn the technology needed to build a profitable online business.
Connie Ragen Green has been online since 2005 and teaches people how to build their own online business in record time, offering free teleseminars weekly, as well as online courses in a workshop environment with webinars.
6:29 AM
Would you like to know how to make guaranteed money online? Do you know where to start? Do you know what you should do or what you should target? It is easier than you may think.
Earning money on the internet is easier than you think. Yes, at the beginning it may seem like a challenging task. However once you discover the right systems making money can become a breeze. It is important to remember that persistence and determination is necessary to make money online. You are running a business and have to act like it.
There are 3 main ways in which people successful make money online, they are as follows:
1. Affiliate Marketing
2. Product Creation and Sales
3. Google AdSense
These three techniques have been proven to make real money for people. It is recommended to master one before moving to another. It is also worth noting that true success online comes from being able to use all three techniques.
Affiliate marketing is the starting point for most people in their online financial making adventures. Simply, it is the easiest form to get into. You do not have to have a product or a website. You are compensated for sales you produce on behalf of the product creator. In essence you are a salesmen for the company.
Product creating and sales can and is one of the most financial rewarding avenues online. The key to success with your own products is cultivating affiliates and helping to train them to be successful. Remember there is no need to be greedy. Pay your affiliates good commissions. Their success is your success.
Google AdSense is a great way to make money online. In its simplest form, you are being paid to run ads on your sites. The payment comes from clicks to the ads placed on your sites by Google. You are sharing in the fee charged to advertisers. This can become a great money making format. Once done correctly this system will truly run on autopilot.
Jason Rossi is an expert marketer who rakes in over $1,000,000 annually via his amazing simple guaranteed profit system. Learn how you, too, can break free from the 9-5 rut by doing what Jason does. Just visit http://www.guaranteedprofitsystem.com or http://www.advancedpromotingtips.com The author grants full reprint rights to this article. You may reprint and electronically distribute this article so long as its content remains unchanged and the author's byline remains in place.
6:27 AM
Busy moms, laid off dads... Even hungry college students, they're all looking for ways to make money online... What about you?
I'm assuming since you are reading this article you fall under the "busy mom" category?
You have one mighty tough job, believe me, I know... I'm married to a busy mom and she never lets me hear the end of it! And, she has every right to vent about her day because as tired as I may be at the end of mine, it could not possibly compare to the level of multi-tasking, crisis management and the multitude of other thankless chores she has somehow completed with a child underfoot!
Now, as far as ways to make money online go, Affiliate Marketing really is your only option when you are as busy as most moms and have little energy left at the end of each long and tiring day.
It is really awesome because you don't need any money, or your own product, or a website even. You just need a little know how, which is easy to learn and a whole lot of determination... which I know you have in spades!
And, some spare time; not much, but you need an hour or two a day to commit to Internet Marketing if you want to be successful and start making money online.
So, why Affiliate Marketing besides the reasons I just gave you: Big Fat Commission checks, that's why! Some as high as 75% of the total cost of the item you are selling. It's awesome and also very doable for busy moms.
I know what it is like to work all day, which busy moms do without a lot of breaks, come home and tend to the family and then have to invest some time into starting a new business. You can do it though and it is so worth it!
So, if you are looking for ways to make money online, and you are busy but determined, give Affiliate Marketing a go, I promise you won't be sorry and you just might be able to afford to buy yourself a little help with the housekeeping and child rearing chores!
I know how you might be feeling right now... no one goes online looking for ways to make money if they already have enough. I was exactly where you are right now, not so long ago. I know how confusing and frustrating it can be finding someone you can trust to teach you how to make money online. I'm that guy though, and it won't cost you a penny to check out my site... although it may likely be the most important thing you do all day. Please visit with me at http://www.4d-mmb.com to see what everyone is talking about!
6:25 AM
There are hundreds of ways we can use to make money online with a website or even blog without spending any money. Here are some of best ways to make money online without spending a single penny:
- Google AdSense:: if you already have a Gogole AdSense account adds AdSense widgets into your blog and start earning money immediately. And if you don't have an AdSense account, apply for Google AdSense account now with your best website/blog. Google takes 3-4 business days to approve an AdSense account. Once you have got your AdSense account approval from Google, add Google AdSense widgets in your blog header, footer, sidebar or in the content section where you want to place them. But don't fill your blog with too much of AdSense widgets.
- Affiliate links:: spend some time on Amazon.com and ClickBank.com kind of affiliate websites to find some products about the niche you are blogging about or you have an established website. Once you find some products directly or someway related to your niche, add textual and banner links with your affiliate links in your blog/website.
- Paid blogging:: Join some paid blogging network like ReviewMe, SponsoredReviews, Smorty or PayPerPost and start earning money with them instantly. With these networks, you can make $5 to $100 or more for each paid post that you write for their advertisers.
- Selling text links:: You can even make good amount of money with your blog by selling some text and banner links on your blog. You can sell these links directly if you have a popular blog or can use some text link selling networks.
- Writing content:: there are many websites who are eager to pay you for writing quality content with the knowledge you have about your topic. Some websites where you can submit your content to earn some money even if you don't have a website are eHow.com, associatedcontent.com, helium.com
- Create topical pages:: If you are an expert about a niche, why don' you start creating a knowledge house about your niche or the topic you are most knowledgeable about. Some of websites where you can create your topical pages for free are Squidoo.com, Hubpages.com and Google Knol. You can make fast money online with these topical pages by using Google AdSense or any affiliate program your topic matches with. You can link your content and include some affiliate images as well from Clickbank, Amazon, eBay or whichever affiliate program you use if there are some products related to your niche for sale on these affiliate websites.
So start following these techniques to make money online without any investment even if you don't have a website of your own. Most of these techniques will work with free blogs created on Blogger.com and some even don't require any website or blog like Writing content, Create topical pages, Survey filling websites and paid to surf websites.
12:20 PM
As you consider the possibility of getting your own Internet business up and running you are likely asking yourself how do I start an online business and what is the first step in the process? That is a very good question and as you begin to research online for the steps that you will need to take you will run into all kinds of shiny web sites touting their systems. I am here to tell that you don't need that! In this article I will give you the first crucial step in getting your new Internet based business up and running. That step is to select a niche.
The process of niche selection is not that hard once you understand the process and what to look for. It is important that you have a clear understanding of what a niche is before you begin this process. My definition of a niche is a market or sub sector of a market that can be defined and targeted, In other words, if you have a market that you can nail down the specific needs of that market, you have a niche.
The first thing to look at when looking for a niche is your own interests and strengths. Look at what you do in your job, what are your hobbies, what do you know that others would like to know? Look at things that you have some expertise in and things that you may not know but would like to learn. Do you have to be an expert in your niche to build a business? The short answer is no. However, if you have some background in your niche you will not face the learning curve associated with learning your topic added to learning about setting up an Internet business.
When you have a good list of niche ideas you will need to do some online research. What you are looking for is the amount of interest or traffic there is for your subject as well as the amount of profitability in that niche. Start by doing some research for general related keywords and phrases. This will give you other terms that are searched for relating to your topic as well as the number of searches performed for that phrase. You are looking for sufficient interest in your topic to support your Internet business. Don't be afraid of bigger competitive niches as there will be plenty of money being spent and you will be able to carve out a piece of the pie for yourself.
Now you will need to examine the potential profitability of your niche. Search for a general term in your niche and look at the sponsored ads on the page. If there are ads on several of the search results pages, the odds are good that there are people spending money in your niche. Now you need to spy on these advertisers and find out what they are selling in your market. This will give you some good ideas about what your market is buying and what you will want to sell in your new online business.?
Would you like to learn more about starting an Internet business? I just completed a brand new free guide.
Download my brand new free guide here: Internet Business
12:18 PM
These days, there are many people that are in a financial crisis. Many people want to learn how to earn a substantial amount of income online in a short period of time. With many jobs being scarce and the bills are steady piling up, there is no better way to create an income than through the means of the Internet. Below are three ways that you can make extra money online.
1. Do eBay
For you to make extra money online, you will need to surf the Internet and choose a suitable option. One option that is proven to work very well, is to sell items on eBay. The search your house and/or garage for items that are sellable, but you know longer have any use for. Use your so-called junk as a way to make some extra money online. This is one of the most easiest and the most feasible ways of generating a sustainable monthly income.
2. Pick a niche
In order to generate a decent online income, you need to target an audience of your choice. If you are interested in selling for example, baby food products, you can easily look forward to generating a sustainable income through the means of finding a niche that sells baby food products and then promoting it very aggressively.
3. Take one step at a time
I highly recommend that you do not rush anything. To get started right away with making money online, you will need to first choose a product and then promoted in the appropriate manner. Take the time and learn some business strategies by spying on other Internet marketers and implementing some of their promotional techniques into your campaign.
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12:16 PM
Here's how you can grow your internet business:
1. Improve the content and appearance of your website. Keep in mind that your website is your image in the World Wide Web. If you want online users to visit it more often, you need to make sure that it is a great source of valuable information and that it is pleasing on the eyes.
2. Add to your product line. Keep yourself posted on the ever-changing needs and demands of your prospects and meet them new products and services. This is one of the best things that you can do to keep these people from going to your competitors. Simply put, if you are able to meet all their needs, they have no reasons to leave you.
3. Great customer service. Aside from great product, buyers also consider customer service when they make a purchase. These people must be able to easily contact you should they have any questions about your products or should they have any concern about their purchase.
4. Marketing strategy. Plan and launch a targeted marketing campaign that allows you to connect with those people who are most likely to buy from you. It's important that you know the online behavior of your potential clients to easily figure out the best internet marketing tools to use.
5. Clients. Keep in mind that these people are the bloodlines of your business thus, you need to make sure that they are completely satisfied each time they buy from you. Give them products and services that match their needs and attend to all their concerns right away. By doing these, you can be assured that these people will buy from you again and will recommend you to other people they know.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide. Download it free here: Internet Marketing
Do you want to learn how to use articles like this to drive targeted traffic to your site? Click here: Article Writing Guide
Sean Mize teaches coaches, consultants, and small business owners how to package their knowledge and sell it in high priced coaching, consulting, and online class packages, and is an expert at using articles like this to drive traffic to his website, and has taught hundreds of clients his secrets. Sean says, "If you have an existing marketable service or skill that you can teach others, I can teach you to package it into a high-priced class or coaching program, guaranteed."
12:13 PM
How to Start an Online Business - Latest 4 Intermediate Secrets to Jumpstart an Internet Business
Doing business online is far more profitable than running a brick and mortar business. This will not require you to spend huge amount of money for your initial investment but can promise you with fast ROI as you'll be able to easily tap the global market. Here's how you can get started:
1. Know what product or service to sell. When in the process of identifying the products to sell, I recommend that you go with those ones that are closely relevant to your areas of expertise or areas of interest. You would want to sell products that you know very well so you can easily give your prospects product-related information to help them make well-informed decisions.
2. Understand the competition online. Do your research and identify the people that you are going up against. Visit their websites and know their strengths and their weaknesses. You will need to do this so you'll know how you can easily outplay these people.
3. Build your own website. This is something that is non-negotiable when doing business online. You need to have your own place in the internet where you can drive interested people to and where you can feature your products and services. Choose a domain name that is memorable. Then, ask for the help of a professional website designer to create a powerful website for you.
4. Internet marketing. Read and learn as much possible about internet marketing so you'll know how you can easily connect with your prospects and sell your products in the process. If you want to get in-depth information about this field, I recommend that you hire an internet marketing coach.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide. Download it free here: Internet Marketing
Do you want to learn how to use articles like this to drive targeted traffic to your site? Click here: Article Writing Guide
Sean Mize teaches coaches, consultants, and small business owners how to package their knowledge and sell it in high priced coaching, consulting, and online class packages, and is an expert at using articles like this to drive traffic to his website, and has taught hundreds of clients his secrets. Sean says, "If you have an existing marketable service or skill that you can teach others, I can teach you to package it into a high-priced class or coaching program, guaranteed."
12:09 PM
There are so many people who are selling services in the online arena these days. Some are selling SEO services while others are selling ghostwriting services. There are those who offer website creation and maintenance and there are those who provide competitor research. If you are one of them, it is important that you know how to make your services look more valuable to the eyes of your target market to boost your sales and revenue. Here's how you can do that:
1. Sell value. Instead of focusing your marketing campaign on the tag price of your services, it would help if you can focus on the real value of your offerings. Each time you create your marketing messages, highlight the benefits that your services can offer to your prospects. Tell these people how your services can exactly solve their pressing issues.
2. Be more visible online. This is to promote easy recall. Make your name and your services visible on all websites that your prospects usually visit. You can do this by posting banner ads on these sites. You can also write and distribute keyword-rich articles online, invade relevant blogs and forums, and use social media marketing.
3. Offer free sample. As you are selling something that your prospects cannot possibly touch or see, it would work to your advantage if you offer free sample. By doing so, you can give your prospects an idea about the quality of your offerings without putting their money on the line. If they are satisfied, you can be assured that they'll do business with you in no time.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide. Download it free here: Internet Marketing
Do you want to learn how to use articles like this to drive targeted traffic to your site? Click here: Article Writing Guide
Sean Mize teaches coaches, consultants, and small business owners how to package their knowledge and sell it in high priced coaching, consulting, and online class packages, and is an expert at using articles like this to drive traffic to his website, and has taught hundreds of clients his secrets. Sean says, "If you have an existing marketable service or skill that you can teach others, I can teach you to package it into a high-priced class or coaching program, guaranteed."
12:07 PM
Here's how you can easily earn dollars through your computer:
1. Google AdSense. This is perhaps the easiest way to make money online. All you need to have is a website and traffic. Create a site that focus on one specific theme. Don't discuss different topics on your website or blog so you will not confuse your followers. Then, post Google AdSense on your site. You will earn each time these ads are clicked by your visitors.
2. Affiliate marketing. You can also make money online by selling other people's product. I wouldn't lie about it; affiliate marketing can be challenging especially for beginners as there are so many information that you need to know plus the fact that the competition is very stiff. I recommend that you read and learn as much as possible about affiliate marketing before you get started. You will earn commissions each time you make a sale.
3. Internet marketing. If you don't want to sell other people's products and if you want to keep up to 100% of your revenue, you can go ahead and create your own products and sell them online. Right now, the products that sell like hotcakes in the online arena are information based products. If you have the skills, I recommend that you create and sell ebooks, audio products, reports, and special newsletters on topic that you are an expert on.
4. SEO services. If you are very good in optimizing websites, you can make money online by selling SEO services. Right now, there are so many ebusiness owners who are clueless as to how they can improve their page ranking. Help them out and earn lots of money in the process.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide. Download it free here: Internet Marketing
Do you want to learn how to use articles like this to drive targeted traffic to your site? Click here: Article Writing Guide
Sean Mize teaches coaches, consultants, and small business owners how to package their knowledge and sell it in high priced coaching, consulting, and online class packages, and is an expert at using articles like this to drive traffic to his website, and has taught hundreds of clients his secrets. Sean says, "If you have an existing marketable service or skill that you can teach others, I can teach you to package it into a high-priced class or coaching program, guaranteed."
12:04 PM
Most people think that if you are trying to sell online then it must be a scam. They do not understand that there are ways to make money online legally. Not every program that states make money online is a scam. You can make money online legally and don't have to be a scam about it. Try to promote products that you would buy or have bought. Therefore when you talk about it, you are offering honesty about the product rather than giving dishonest information.
Most marketers take the approach that they are just marketing the product and that they don't care, that the responsibility falls on the consumer but that is not true. As people who are making money online we should be held responsible for the products that we promote.
Make Money Online Legally
Whenever you are going to get involve with a project make sure that you do your due diligence to find out about the product. Find out if there has been complains about the product or the product owner. And you can quickly get this information from Google.
If it is at all possible, try to get a review copy of the product. Some product owners will understand your need for integrity and will give you a review copy so that you can promote in an honest, legal manner. And if you ever promote a product and later realize that the product owner was dishonest, don't be afraid to let your buyers know about it. If you want to make money online legally, you will have to learn that not all product or product owners are honest.
But that should not stop you to be honest in your online endeavors.
Try to only get involved with products or services that are of the highest quality and always ask for feedback from the buyers. This will help you to promote quality products and keep you away from scam products.
There is a free tool that will help you to make money online legally because it tells you what product other affiliates are promoting and what they are doing to promote this product. It also tells you how long they are promoting the product. So you can understand that if the product was a scam then there would be lots of complain and it would be taken off the market. Making money online can be fun and easy but only when it is done with the highest integrity and honesty.
If you want to make money online legally and want to get this FREE software Google Cash Detective that will give you all the information that you need, then get it right now. It will only be free for a limited time, there is no need for a credit card, and it's a free offer. And just for trying out the software, you will also receive a short report called Clickbank Secrets that teaches you how to pick high quality products that will help you make money online legally.
10:59 PM
Tragic Air France Flight From Rio - What Does That Have to Do With Internet Marketing and Your Life?
Panic set in as I drove to work when I heard about the Air France flight from Rio to Paris that had disappeared in bad weather last Tuesday. My sister lives in Rio, and her husband was due to be travelling that week, which day it was to be, I was not sure.
I did not have her contact details with me, so I had this on my mind all day, hoping and praying that all was well. She has two little girls, this could change their lives completely.
To my relief, I learned that her husband was to travel on Thursday, but very sadly, a good friend of hers, also living in Rio, whom they had been camping with over the Easter weekend, had lost her husband on that very flight. She has little girls too. How devastating, what a shock, how do you cope with a tragedy like that, for the plane to just disappear. To say goodbye, and not know that it would be forever. They all remain in my thoughts and heart daily.
I don't know about you, but I find when something like this happens, especially if it is closer to our lives, I get thinking about my life and where I am at with everything. Do you get thinking about your life too?
? Where are you at in life, are you happy with your job, if you are lucky enough to be holding on to it?
? Are you happy to get up and go to work every morning?
? Or is your business running well and giving you the profitable income returns you would like?
? How are your finances? Are they really where you would like them to be,
or are you finding yourself in struggle and debt, in a hole that seems to be getting bigger every day?
? Are you happy in your relationships?
? How is your health, diet and exercise?
? Are you happy in life in general, what else would you like to have as part of your life?
? What would you really like to be doing, and how can that become part of your life? Imagine if you did not have to consider time or money, what would you really like your life to be like, what would you really like to be doing? Take a moment, or longer to think about this, write it down.
These are the sorts of questions I ponder on. Maybe this is an opportunity for you to do that too. Take a pen and paper, and jot some notes down, or draw a pie chart or circle, and divide it into the areas that you do want to have as part of your life, and write down how much time you are spending in each of these areas of your life. Take a look at what you have written, and see if you are happy with the time you are exercising, the time you are working, or spending with your loved ones, your relationships, spiritual life?
Are you able to share with your loved ones everything you would like to financially, and if not, what are you doing about it?
You may be in a great position right now, and be happy with all the areas in your life, including your finances, and that is great for you. But if you have been affected by the recession, lost your job, have debts up to your eyebrows and beyond, then you seriously need to consider where you are at, and what you are going to do about it. Consider the choices you have.
Being under financial strain and stress affects your whole life, your relationships, your attitudes, your health, and your ability to succeed and manage in life with whatever you may want to apply yourself to next.
If you are looking for a way to have a change, or get out of a rut or financial bind, have you considered turning to the internet to make money online?
? There are millions of people online daily, and more and more join each new day around the world. They are looking for information, and solutions to anything under the sun. If you do some market research and find a market that you can provide solutions to, to help people find answers in some way, you can start to make money online from the comfort of your home 24/7, 365 days of the year.
? Working from the comfort of your home, having control over your finances yourself, having more time with your loved ones, and the freedom of choice to do things that are important to you in life, is a real Blessing and brings a sense of freedom.
You can do it, if you have the Burning Desire to change your life, make a Decision today, believe you can do it, and learn How to Make Money Online on the Internet from Home.
Time to change your life? Free Report Here!
Ex-bookkeeper, Mum and passionate Internet Marketer, Jacqui O'Neill's Mission is to 'Help People and Change Lives'. She provides simple and valuable online Business and Marketing Systems, and training tips to assist you Step by Step to achieve your Internet Marketing Success. Find more of Jacqui O'Neill's articles Here : Internet Coaching Blog
This Article is Copyrighted, you are welcome to republish the Article, as long as the links remain in place.
10:57 PM
Have you been recently unemployed or has it been a long time? You know it's not easy to get a job right know. You also know it's not easy to find a job that is reliable. In fact, it's almost impossible to do either one of these things right now.
There is a little trick to getting out of your unemployment. You have been searching for the wrong type of job. There is a way to make good money doing something that you like. It's actually quite simple. You can make money online.
The Internet is full of opportunities for you to start making money. You can use many tools to leverage other peoples work that has already been proven to work in order to rake in loads of cash.
It's so easy. All you need to do it think of something that you like and find a market that fits you. Once you do that and find a company that you like, then you are all set to make some money online in a particular niche.
The worst part about making money online is that there is a whole bunch to learn when you first start. There is so much that you may not know how to get started or even where to get started. This is the reason you need to find a proven system to make money online and make sure that it is legitimate.
You are going to need your own business model so that you will be able to succeed and follow through. It is very hard, especially if you are new, because there is so much garbage information on the Internet that people will try to sell you. Your best bet is to join a club or society that will teach you the ropes and get you on your way.
Maverick Money Makers is a private society that will teach you how to build a six-figure a month business on the internet.
If you want to make money online, join the society before it's too late.
Only check this out if you are serious about ending your woes and starting your own business TODAY!
Also visit Ant's blog if you want to learn more about making money online
10:56 PM
The opportunity to make money online is as good as it ever was. As the economic climate gets worse more and more people turn to the internet looking for ways to make money.
Although there are millions of websites online the internet will never get saturated as it is global and every day new people are coming online looking to start a business just like you. If your business is up and running then you have every chance of attracting those people to join up to your business.
Before you can attract people to join your business it stands to reason that you yourself must first get started and find an opportunity to join. There are hundreds of different types of business opportunities to choose from as you will find when you surf the web.
First of all beware of those programs that promise you will make thousands of dollars in your first month or two, it is more than likely they are scams. Also those programs that promise to make you a millionaire are not worth looking at. There may be a few millionaires on the internet but they probably got in early when the internet was born. It is very unlikely that anyone can honestly say they have become millionaires in the last year or two.
Unless you can come up with a unique idea of your own you will have to settle for searching the web for your business. Depending on the business you choose your ideal start is to build your own website, this will make other people aware of your business which is imperative to its success.
Never expect instant success, it takes time and patience to build a business for it to bring in your expected income, this means that if you are already in a full or part time job do not give it up until the online earnings can compete.
Apart from working with your business you should spend as much time as possible promoting your website. Your website can bring you in a second income once it starts attracting traffic.
Your business choices are vast, just decide what really interests you and what ever you choose you will find an affiliate program that will suit you. Of course there many more choices which you will find as you surf the web. If you are keen on taking risks then look at money market trading it is very popular at the moment, you can make big money but you can also lose big money so a lot of learning is required.
Do not get despondent if in the first few months your earnings seem low, they will improve if you continue to work at it, stay motivated and believe in yourself, you can do it.
Sylvia White is an author and webmaster of http://www.sylviawh.co.uk and http://www.sylviawh.co.uk/blog
10:53 PM
I'm asked all the time by friends and family, "How do you make extra money on the Internet?" It's simple I tell them. But it does take patience and effort. This is where most people fail. They expect overnight success and it just doesn't happen. I tell everyone who is interested, plan on at least 6 months before you start making any real money, maybe even longer.
If I?had to start all over, here are the 3 ways I'd get back on my feet.
Flip websites. Domains cost $10 per year. I'd start by buying some domains that have really popular keywords with them. Then?I'd get a reseller hosting account and host all those domains. Install Wordpress on each of them and make sure each had at least 5 pages of content on them. Then I'd promote the heck out of them and when the traffic started coming in, I'd sell them. Websites with domain names that have traffic and some PR can bring a good amount of money on the Internet.
Freelance your way out of debt. I still do some freelance writing and consulting on the side. It just pays too well not to! If I were starting over, I'd get me a laptop (like I'm doing now) and start writing for others or sell my own articles. Just about any Internet Marketing forum you visit will have people looking to hire freelance writers. And you don't have to be an English major to make money at this! Just being able to write a sentence and paragraph that is clear and understandable is all you need.
Article marketing. Another way that I've used to make a lot of money online is Article Marketing. I wrote product reviews for over a year. I had hundreds of websites and web pages over all types of services and consumer products. I used sites like EzineArticles, GoArticles, Squidoo, Hubpages and others to promote these products. Each has my affiliate link in the review and people routinely would use it to buy merchandise. Of course, I received a handsome commission whenever they did!
These are just 3 ways you can get started and get started quickly making money on the Internet. Most are low cost and some are free. So jump in, you don't haven nothing to lose!
Dawn has made a living on the Internet using free and low cost methods of affiliate marketing. She teaches others how to make extra money on the Internet using these free, simple ideas. You'll see her articles on many of the top websites on the Internet discussing ways you too can make money on the Internet without spending a lot of money.
10:51 PM
Do you know how to make guaranteed profits online? Is it even possible to make guaranteed profits? Would you like to know the simple steps to make money online? You are in luck; we will share the steps you need to follow to make money online.
A guaranteed profits system is easier to come by than you may think. There are a number of ways in which people make money on the Internet, some work better than others. Some fail miserable and some have a guaranteed profit system that flows money into their bank account every month. So what does it take, what method should you use?
There is a proven system to follow that can guarantee your financial success. To maximize your return it is necessary to follow all steps completely and fully. The steps are listed below:
1. Identify a niche market
2. Buy a domain name for that niche (ideally should be a highly searched keyword phrase
3. Build site with keyword specific content
4. Submit site to search engines
5. Submit daily articles
6. Post to forums daily
7. Build backlinks daily
8. Add Google AdSense to your site
9. Repeat traffic generating steps
The above is a basic blueprint on how to set up a system that will generate you profits. The system has many more components that you will need to follow in order to ensure success with the system. The system is based off of the Google AdSense program, which will earn you advertising revenue. Sites that are built correctly will generate a stream of guaranteed money into your bank account.
AdSense is a proven money making system for many on the Internet. This system when implemented correctly will make you money guaranteed. The program in short is this; you are compensated for inserting ads onto your websites. You will receive money for the clicks to the ads that are conducted on your sites.
Jason Rossi is an expert market with over 20 years experience online. Learn how you can easily follow Jason's proven system to make guaranteed profits with Google AdSense at http://www.Guaranteedprofitsystem.com
1:14 AM
Individuals and Small Business
On the small scale - to individuals with little or no investment seed, the Internet represents the toughest challenge. It's not that there aren't opportunities, it's just that there are so many chasing them. In addition, the competition is global, unlike in your country of origin. Many choose to open a shop, an online version of something you might find in a mall or shopping centre. There is no shortage of these businesses already, and initial dreams of virtually snipping the ribbon and watching customers virtually pour through the doors, should instantly be dispelled.
Yes, you can make good money by opening an online shop and your overheads will be lower - but your competition will also be greater and someone, somewhere, will be able to get their goods cheaper (or sell in a currency more favorable to bargain shoppers). So - before you start, research your market. What's missing from the current market? What isn't currently being supplied? There are two reasons for something not being supplied. The more likely - nobody wants it. Or the less likely, but better prospect - few have thought of it.
The second major option is traffic. Create some content, or a service (such as a portal, directory, video clip library, advice centre, collection of jokes, etc. etc.) which other people will want to visit. This also requires diligent research - look for the most successful sites regarding traffic (Alexa.com can help here) and see what they offer. What types of portal are the most popular, is the competition as good as it could be, can I compete and offer something better or something new? If so - go ahead (there are thousands of these sites, with good traffic, but very few are particularly memorable). These sites will cost you time (and expertise), but traffic is like a snowball rolling down-hill, the more you accumulate, the more valuable you become to other sites (affiliates, advertising, blogs, social networks, etc.). Meaning your traffic, will accumulate more traffic.
To get to that stage of critical mass, will require a developer to build your site and some good, honest SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Although it's certainly possible to learn how to do this yourself. The truth is it's much harder than it seems, shops are not for the faint-hearted and neither are CMS sites. Connecting to a database (which any dynamic site needs to do) requires an understanding of scripted code (PHP or ASP usually) which is embedded in XHTML, some CSS, a database (MySQL or SQL-Server usually) - some knowledge of FTP, some Unix, Apache server, graphic design. It's usually simpler to pay someone else to do it.
SEO is also hard graft, requires constant re-assessment and usually substantial help. Getting that initial traffic, to start gaining a reputation, is like all advertising - you put a lot in initially and get little return - but keep at it and the rewards will come (SEO is covered in another article). Affiliation is a viable way of making money through traffic, but it's highly competitive and anything which claims to make you rich, with little work - is by its nature, designed to sound more appealing than it is.
If you're an individual - a shop, or site with traffic are very viable money-making methods, yes, both require long hours and persistence, but the market is there. Spend 10 times longer planning your niche, than you originally intended. It will repay you in untapped traffic. The best method of all? Do both and let each support the traffic of the other. For example, route people from your sports news portal to your sports shop and vice versa. At this stage of the process you're probably behaving like a medium-to-large enterprise, and they can attract value in different ways.
Patrick Seery
http://www.ptgr.co.uk for Web development, CMS design, advice and Search Engine Optimisation. Complex information, delivered simply.
Free consultation and further articles, including illustrations, can be found at:
http://www.ptgr.co.uk - select the 'Blog - Computing Explained' menu.
Copyright ? Patrick Seery
You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, or on your web site, free of charge, on the condition that the author bylines are included, without alteration.
1:12 AM
Many people are searching for how to make money fast on the internet. Unfortunately in their quest to find the best way to make money online, they lose sight of what they should be focusing on, and they buy into all the money making scams and hypes that are on the internet.
When searching for a way to to make money fast on the internet, it is imperative that you slow down, do some research on the product you are interested in purchasing (if it's an ebook, a software, or a training course) and make sure the product offer is specific to your needs. For example, if you want to learn how to make money online by blogging, you would want to focus on how to start a blog. So when you are looking for learning tools that will teach you how to do this, it would be in your best interest to search out keywords such as make money blogging, or something similar. It would not behoove you to purchase a learning product that teaches you how to make money with ecommerce if your interest was in blogging.
Also, make sure the program or ebook is specific to your experience. If you have never done a thing online, a product that teaches you how to "explode your sales" may not be the best one for you to buy, because you are starting from the beginning. While the information contained in the ebook is probably very informative, if you are not on the same level of skill as the book or training teaches, you will not benefit from it.
There are some excellent training products that you can purchase online for a very nominal price, and if you are just starting out, it is recommended you look into using some of the paid resources. Just be mindful of the above tips and only purchase a product that is going to be useful to you.
If you are interested in learning how to make money fast on the internet, you probably won't last long. However, if you are interested in learning how to make a long term residual income online, here is a product that I do recommend you check into. It's called Conquest Authority, and it's a full training course that teaches you how to start making a living online. The course includes topics such as SEO, webhosting, domain names, keyword research, and more. As far as online training courses go, Conquest Authority is the most comprehensive, complete course you can find.
It is a true beginner's course, so whether you have experience or none, the Google Conquest Authority course will take you step by step of building a successful online business.
Jennifer Kelly is a successful internet marketer that also fell for the hypes and the scams. After completing the Conquest Authority course, she began to make consistent money online. You can read a review, get a bonus, and find out more about the Conquest Authority by visiting: http://www.moneyproductreviews.com/conquest-authority/
1:10 AM
Medium to Global Businesses
Yes - like smaller entities, large corporations can behave in exactly the same manner and follow a similar model, albeit with more seed money and with the aim of gaining a larger slice of the pie. In fact this approach was taken by nearly all large businesses during the first Internet boom, simply because there was no established model or pattern to follow. To a greater extent, this is still happening, even when the most seemingly-savvy media companies are involved.
To large businesses the Internet is often viewed as an enormous retail opportunity: b2c - business to consumer or b2b - business to business (supply chain), but that misses the wider picture. Discounting eBay, which is reselling goods through thousands of small traders, the first retail outlet in the WWW, Amazon, doesn't appear until position 35 (in the top 500) - the next is Amazon again (the Japanese version) at around 120. So the vast, vast majority of traffic on the Internet is not shopping. A small proportion is - which is still a very large market - but tapping into what everyone else is doing, is the unrealised value for large businesses.
The Internet is another channel for global corporations, and awareness can be raised by exploiting this channel. The Internet is like the largest of school playgrounds. The teachers (corporations) may be theoretically running the show, but everyone in the playground knows what's going on in the school, long before the teachers do. 'Britain's Got Talent' experienced this recently when the broadcaster (ITV) was very slow to react to the show's extended reach on YouTube through the Susan Boyle phenomenon (despite the winner from 2 years earlier, being one of the most watched YouTube videos of all time). Eventually after 2 or 3 shows, they printed a link in the final credits pointing to their own site, where the full program and clips could be downloaded. Too little, too late? Despite the tardy response, traffic still leapt by 1,200% on what was already a busy site.
The Internet is a communications 'playground' as the simile above suggests. Corporations can extend their reach in almighty jumps, by creating content and services *aimed* at this target audience. Find out what they're doing and like to do, and then commit to it. Nothing will fail more rapidly, than a corporation making a half-baked attempt at social networking. Research, discover, deliver and then commit. The Internet is a useful learning tool and some good bargains can be had - but it's main use, as all the traffic reports confirm is - a place of social entertainment. I'm not suggesting the teachers start coming to school in bling, with a mobile clamped to their ear, for 'mingling' purposes. Just that they build an awareness of what people are doing.
The last category is the smallest, with the highest barrier to entry. It generally (but not always) presupposes some technical ability, since you're often creating something new.
That's just it - create something totally original, that will move everyone forward a further step. It's far more likely to come from a 2 person enterprise than a corporation so don't be put off. Google, Facebook (neither of which were original - just improved executions of existing ideas), Twitter, MySpace, Digg, Flickr, Skype. Hang in for a year and Google will probably try to buy you for several hundred million dollars. Or take the approach of Mark Zuckerberg. He turned down $1billion from Yahoo and then later $2billion from Google (though this was probably just rumour). Currently at 250 million users he should hang on - and consider buying them further down the line.
Yes, there are ways to make money on the Internet, but 'sit-back-and-get-rich-quick' schemes are ways of getting your attention and traffic. They have seriously diminishing returns and little longevity. Research and target your niche, get help - the Internet is awash with helpful individuals and communities - and start working hard. The rewards always tend to come, just when you're ready to give up.
Patrick Seery
http://www.ptgr.co.uk for Web development, CMS design, advice and Search Engine Optimisation. Complex information, delivered simply.
Free consultation and further articles, including illustrations, can be found at:
http://www.ptgr.co.uk - select the 'Blog - Computing Explained' menu.
Copyright ? Patrick Seery
You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, or on your web site, free of charge, on the condition that the author bylines are included, without alteration.
1:07 AM
When I first starting internet marketing, I was so excited. I had seen and heard all kinds of success stories, and I just knew that would be me. I stayed up late every night reading about starting a blog, affiliate marketing, building a list...anything that had to do with making money online I couldn't get enough of. I didn't have any idea what a domain name was, what ftp was (file transfer protocol), and I had ZERO knowledge of HTML.
I started out with affiliate marketing without a website by using PPC (pay per click) advertising and lost so much money I should have given up. I didn't understand why I hadn't made my millions when I followed every step in the book, and I did so much research on the subject. So I moved on to starting my own blog.
I again spent countless hours staying up and posting my little fingers off to a blog that I thought would finally be my "making it" point. After a month of posting, my site still had not been indexed by Google and I had no visitors. I bought countless e books that claimed they had the "secret" to making to money online and all I needed to do was implement the "code". (Every code they claimed was not actually a code to insert into my website, like I though, it was simply a code word for code.)
I was getting frustrated, and on several occasions I remember crying to my husband about how hard I had worked for the last year, and for what? Nothing but peanuts. If you had taken all the money I spent on domain names, e-books, software, and PPC, I was seriously in the hole. The reason I wanted to make money online was to get OUT of the hole, not deeper in it.
Then one day I realized something. Everything I had ever come across on the internet, each had a piece of the puzzle. They just didn't come together. So I became re-energized with my quest and started at the beginning again, only this time I was armed with a little bit of knowledge from the get go. I re-read most of the e-books I had purchased, and they made more sense to me.
I am not going to claim that I "tested" things and "found" what worked for me, and I'm not even going to claim that I woke up one day and all of the sudden things "worked". This is absolutely not the case. What I did may seem to some people a little bit of a cheat, but in my opinion, what I did was save my online career. I signed up for an internet marketing training course. It was my last resort, and my final effort. I had given everything I had into internet marketing, and at this point, I was ready to give up.
The course I joined was called Google Conquest. Included in the course was a 60 day challenge, and complete training from A-Z (which is what I needed.) I needed to be taken by the hand (and throw out everything I had learned previously) and shown exactly what to do. After the 60 day challenge was over, I looked back at all the work I had done over the past few months. The success I had was amazing to me. Before, when I couldn't even get visitors to my website, I know had 10 websites built, had a steady flow of traffic to each one, and I was actually ranking on first page of Google with my chosen keywords. (Heck, I didn't even know what rank meant before Google Conquest!)
This does not mean I allowed myself to quit learning on my own. I now simply had another resource to fall back on when I became stuck, or when something just didn't make sense. If you have been a struggling internet marketer, I highly recommend you (or any new internet marketer for that matter) find a training course that will enable you to learn the processes you are having an issue with. There are many training courses online, and if you are willing to take the steps needed, you too can be well on your way to making your online dreams come true.
Google Conquest is being re-released to the public as Conquest Authority. To read a review, find out more information on the course, or get a bonus, you can visit:
1:05 AM
Currently there are hundreds of thousands of people looking for ways to make money online. If you look up the number of searches being done in search engines you will see the enormous amounts that have to do with starting an online business and ultimately becoming a Google money master.
The problem with this strategy of randomly looking for help on the internet is that there are tons of companies that rely on this kind of uneducated stream of traffic to make their money. They do not really care about providing the best information available or with providing long term customer support. All they care about is using their promises of a Google treasure chest to turn a quick buck.
This is why it is important to learn the real tips and tricks that businesses are using to turn a profit online. Once you learn these you will see that making money online is a matter of learning a few skills and applying a lot of hard work to making them work. The first thing that you want to focus on and something that is the underlying factor to any successful online business is internet traffic.
Once you have a steady flow of traffic to your website the majority of your work is done. When you have customers and visitors all you have to do is learn how to sell them something that they want. The actually difficult part is learning how to attract customers to your website. This is what separates a Google money master from an internet novice.
The first step that you want to take when going after large amounts of internet traffic is to do some keyword research. This lets you know the popular terms that people are searching, whether it be for information, shopping, services, or entertainment. If you can provide answers to these people's needs then you have cracked the major secret to making it online without the help of any Google treasure chest.
Now the main thing that you want to consider is levels of competition and the type of competitors that are in the niche you are considering. In this step you want to use common sense, you obviously don't want to be competing in a niche where the content is dominated by news sources, university publications, or government sponsored info. The reason for this is that competing directly with these types of sources is incredibly difficult and unless you plan on matching the amount of money they have invested in their business then you better avoid these areas.
However, part of being a Google money master is to know how to find niches with low competition and high dollar customers. This will ensure that you will be making money without breaking the bank to get your customers. One tell tale sign of how popular a niche is to see how many people are paying to advertise for those keywords. If you see that people are fighting over who gets to pay to advertise then you can bet ranking organically for these terms will be just as difficult. So remember to do your research before you jump in.
Get more info in the full Google Money Master and Google Treasure Chest reviews.
1:04 AM
There is no question that a lot of us out there are struggling, especially with the economy the way it is. But there are ways to make an extra income fast and easy and it isn't that hard to do. Internet money making has become more and more popular due to the evolution of the internet. I will discuss 2 different ways that you can make extra money online.
New money making ideas are constantly being discovered on the internet which makes the possibility of gaining an extra income greater. Millions of people log onto the internet every day from all over the country and that number is skyrocketing every year.
So How Can I Make Money?
Follow one of the 2 steps below and you can make extra money for you and your family
- Participate in Online Surveys - There are a lot of survey sites out there that will gladly pay you for your input. Surveys usually take about 15-20 minutes each, but the price varies depending on the site. Filling out multiple surveys can add up and make you a decent extra income
- Market Products Online - Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make money online. You can promote other people's products and make up to a 75% commission for each sale. To become a master affiliate marketer you should first join a legitimate internet marketing program. There are people out there that have mastered internet marketing and are making $1000 or more a day.
These are only 2 ways to make spare cash. You could even do both of these at the same time and really see your money add up.
Learn About The Top 4 Internet Marketing Programs By Visiting http://www.Make-Online-Money-Fast.com
1:02 AM
Here is the exact system to follow to boost your high ticket sales. What if you discovered how easy it is to sell high ticket products using the massive power of Internet step by step? Here are 3 simple steps to get you started.
Step 1 - Use the power of autoresponder.
Step 2 - Boost your conversion rates through teleseminar calls.
Step 3 - Help your clients by solving their problems.
Here are step by step details that you can apply quickly and easily.
Step 1 - Use the power of autoresponder.
Autoresponder is one of the most powerful tools that you can use to sell your high ticket product for a simple reason, it automates your follow-up campaign. All you need to do is set up simple quality content e- mails relating to your product and load them in your autoresponder. These e-mails will convince your subscribers on the value of your product and they'll finally make a decision to get started and purchase it. Here is a simple tip that you can use to tremendously boost your conversion rates.
Step 2 - Boost your conversion rates through teleseminar calls.
There is a simple system that you need to follow to boost your conversion rates step by step. Conduct simple teleseminar calls when you provide quality content to your niche members and then finally at the end of the call you recommend your high ticket products for complete step by step details. This will tremendously help you to get started selling your package easily and also boost Internet income. Building strong relationship with your subscribers is very important to sell your package.
Step 3 - Help your clients by solving their problems.
It is important to help your subscribers to solve their most pressing problems if you wish to sell your expensive products to them. You can help them by asking them their most pressing questions in your niche and then providing them personalized one on one answer for the same.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide. Download it free here: Internet Marketing
Do you want to learn how to use articles like this to drive targeted traffic to your site? Click here: Article Writing Guide
Sean Mize teaches coaches, consultants, and small business owners how to package their knowledge and sell it in high priced coaching, consulting, and online class packages, and is an expert at using articles like this to drive traffic to his website, and has taught hundreds of clients his secrets. Sean says, "If you have an existing marketable service or skill that you can teach others, I can teach you to package it into a high-priced class or coaching program, guaranteed."
1:00 AM
How to become an internet millionaire selling high ticket products super fast? What if you learned how to pull in loads of cash right into your bank account by making a successful internet business plan? Sounds interesting isn't it? What I am going to do is let you in on some vital info to get the best prospects for your internet business plan, which can also bring you truckloads of people asking to join your business. This article will show you 5 crucial elements that you can use to boost your high ticket sales right through the roof starting today step by step. Make sure you get started today. Here are some five simple steps to get you started.
Step 1 - Set a Well Thought-Out Plan.
Step 2 - Utilizing A Plan.
Step 3 - Figure Your Success.
Step 4 - Financial Analysis.
Step 5 - Market Your Business Online.
Lets make it more clear.
Step 1 - Set a Well Thought-Out Plan.
A plan forces you to set goals. Creating a top home based internet business includes a well thought-out plan which is essential must-do for start-up ventures.
Step 2 - Utilizing A Plan.
Utilizing a plan is one of the first hurdles for any new and aspiring entrepreneur. You need to work on your plan to achieve the ultimate target.
Step 3 - Figure Your Success.
Figure out whether your plan seems to work for you or not. If it is the right one for you then stick with it by all means.
Step 4 - Financial Analysis.
You need to analyze how much your plan is profitable for you. If it makes you earn good income, you can also involve other people and expand your internet business.
Step 5 - Market Your Business Online.
If you want you can market your business online by trading links with other businesses and friends and purchasing advertising space on websites in your niche.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide. Download it free here: Internet Marketing
Do you want to learn how to use articles like this to drive targeted traffic to your site? Click here: Article Writing Guide
Sean Mize teaches coaches, consultants, and small business owners how to package their knowledge and sell it in high priced coaching, consulting, and online class packages, and is an expert at using articles like this to drive traffic to his website, and has taught hundreds of clients his secrets. Sean says, "If you have an existing marketable service or skill that you can teach others, I can teach you to package it into a high-priced class or coaching program, guaranteed."
12:58 AM
Merely having an online presence is not enough for even strictly bricks and mortar companies.?With the Internet having proliferated into the medium that provides the most impressions, a good digital media strategy is crucial to online and offline business success.?A good digital media plan will be comprehensive, including not only one but several of the important components of online marketing mentioned below.?Without further ado, we'll move on to reviewing the top trends in digital media strategy.
Search Engine Optimization???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Can this really be considered a trend??Most businesses that have Web sites already know that without being optimized for search engines, their sites are unlikely to ever be found by their target customer.?Since target keywords are always changing and SEO is relatively inexpensive to implement, a constant refinement of SEO is the order of the day.
Social Digital Strategy
Social networking and social commerce features are components of this important trend.?Representing your products and services and promoting them through social networking sites (and yes, even blogs) is crucial to maintaining open communication with your customers.?Social commerce features that allow customers to rate you are rated as being very important to today's Web savvy consumer.
Smartphone Applications
Investing in the creation of a customized application for the Blackberry or iPhone that allows customers access to your products and services is relatively inexpensive and puts you literally at the touch of their fingers.
Cross-sell, Cross-sell, Cross-sell
Once target customers have arrived at your site, you must engage them and ultimately close the sale (or make the conversion).?Increasing the amount of touch points throughout various portions of a site and via links and "recommended products" sidebars is an easy and effective way to expose the customer to more of what you have to offer.
Value-Added Email Strategies
Email campaigns are becoming increasingly difficult to maximize due to spam filters, opt-outs and customer desensitization in general.?In spite of these challenges, businesses can keep their products and services in front of potential customers by adding value to their message.
Rich Media Advertising
In the past, online marketers have been reluctant to engage in rich media advertising due to fears of alienating dial-up or slow bandwidth users.?Consumers themselves, however, are showing more interest in rich media messages such as those contained in animation, audio, video and gaming.
A Multi-pronged Approach
Now that you're a bit more familiar with some of the trends in digital marketing strategy, your head might be swimming with ideas on how to implement one or more of the ideas contained herein.?Before jumping into anything, make sure to check out how others are putting these strategies to use.?Note successes and mistakes so you can have a good idea of what works and what does it.?Don't forget that a good online marketing program is a comprehensive one that employs not only one but several of the techniques mentioned above.?Most importantly, remember to measure your results.
Don't miss out on a new trend, out of home advertising. Out of home media can promote your business to new heights.
12:56 AM
The Internet world has brought an almost endless variety of business opportunities to entrepreneurs around the world. It's possible to bring your new idea and build an online business around it. There are also many online business opportunities available and just waiting for the right person to step forward. One of the real advantages many entrepreneurs find when starting an online business is it can be done fairly quickly, easily and for lower costs than starting a brick and mortar business. One such business opportunity is opening a dollar store online. In this article I present 4 online dollar store success tips.
Tip #1) Start by learning the basics of operating a sound Internet marketing business. That's right; this isn't only about opening a dollar store. It also involves using the best online practices to generate traffic, sales and profits. Maximize your business success by learning everything from article marketing to traffic generation and search engine optimization. Apply the very best techniques to boost your opportunity for success.
Tip #2) Invest the time to create and register the very best domain name possible. The importance of your domain name can not be understated. It needs to match your business name if possible. It needs to clearly communicate what your business is about. It needs to be easy to search for online. Long complicated names with lots of hyphens, unique abbreviations, etc will significantly impact the number of searchers who can actually find you business.
Tip #3) Set your business up for success. Get the help and support you need to build, grow and maintain your business. On one hand you may seek help in opening a dollar store. On the other hand you may seek help about internet marketing. Remember - the most expensive resources aren't necessarily always the best. Investigate before you sign a contract. Make sure you are dealing with reputable and knowledgeable experts. Don't jeopardize your online reputation because of the actions of those you hire and trust to help you.
Tip #4) Don't break the bank with your online start-up costs. Starting an online business doesn't need to cost an arm and a leg. In fact opening a dollar store online can actually be relatively low cost. Consider using drop ship companies to provide products for your online dollar store. Shop for Internet marketers who have experience, but are still growing their own businesses. They can generally provide much lower costs, and still deliver good websites, articles, and they can provide your other support needs.
To your online dollar store success!
Find out how you can open your own dollar store business.
Bob Hamilton is an entrepreneur, author, writer, business consultant and trainer.