1:07 AM
When I first starting internet marketing, I was so excited. I had seen and heard all kinds of success stories, and I just knew that would be me. I stayed up late every night reading about starting a blog, affiliate marketing, building a list...anything that had to do with making money online I couldn't get enough of. I didn't have any idea what a domain name was, what ftp was (file transfer protocol), and I had ZERO knowledge of HTML. I started out with affiliate marketing without a website by using PPC (pay per click) advertising and lost so much money I should have given up. I didn't understand why I hadn't made my millions when I followed every step in the book, and I did so much research on the subject. So I moved on to starting my own blog. I again spent countless hours staying up and posting my little fingers off to a blog that I thought would finally be my "making it" point. After a month of posting, my site still had not been indexed by Google and I had no visitors. I bought countless e books that claimed they had the "secret" to making to money online and all I needed to do was implement the "code". (Every code they claimed was not actually a code to insert into my website, like I though, it was simply a code word for code.) I was getting frustrated, and on several occasions I remember crying to my husband about how hard I had worked for the last year, and for what? Nothing but peanuts. If you had taken all the money I spent on domain names, e-books, software, and PPC, I was seriously in the hole. The reason I wanted to make money online was to get OUT of the hole, not deeper in it. Then one day I realized something. Everything I had ever come across on the internet, each had a piece of the puzzle. They just didn't come together. So I became re-energized with my quest and started at the beginning again, only this time I was armed with a little bit of knowledge from the get go. I re-read most of the e-books I had purchased, and they made more sense to me. I am not going to claim that I "tested" things and "found" what worked for me, and I'm not even going to claim that I woke up one day and all of the sudden things "worked". This is absolutely not the case. What I did may seem to some people a little bit of a cheat, but in my opinion, what I did was save my online career. I signed up for an internet marketing training course. It was my last resort, and my final effort. I had given everything I had into internet marketing, and at this point, I was ready to give up. The course I joined was called Google Conquest. Included in the course was a 60 day challenge, and complete training from A-Z (which is what I needed.) I needed to be taken by the hand (and throw out everything I had learned previously) and shown exactly what to do. After the 60 day challenge was over, I looked back at all the work I had done over the past few months. The success I had was amazing to me. Before, when I couldn't even get visitors to my website, I know had 10 websites built, had a steady flow of traffic to each one, and I was actually ranking on first page of Google with my chosen keywords. (Heck, I didn't even know what rank meant before Google Conquest!) This does not mean I allowed myself to quit learning on my own. I now simply had another resource to fall back on when I became stuck, or when something just didn't make sense. If you have been a struggling internet marketer, I highly recommend you (or any new internet marketer for that matter) find a training course that will enable you to learn the processes you are having an issue with. There are many training courses online, and if you are willing to take the steps needed, you too can be well on your way to making your online dreams come true. Google Conquest is being re-released to the public as Conquest Authority. To read a review, find out more information on the course, or get a bonus, you can visit:
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