3:32 AM
Generally, a directory is information in an organized way. When applied to the World Wide Web, (WWW), then we describe it as a subject guide, organised by topic or sub-topic. Directories on the web are varied as they are many. The types of directories which I find common are business directories, medical directories and health directories. These online directories were created as a form of information hypermarket where you can find all what you need in one place. These directories are normally arranged alphabetically with a list of names and addresses. With constant developments in web tools we can now map the geographical location of these addresses through Google maps. My interest as an entrepreneur is to discuss the medical/health directories. I have developed a health directory for Kenya which is aptly named the Kenya Health Directory. In this health directory I do not list health topics but rather health professionals and institutions. Though many health directories choose to categorise on various topic I choose to list all doctors in Kenya and the Kenya health institutions. A health directory seeks to arrange health information holistically. One aspect of health more often is linked to another. A directory should not be judged solely on the size of its content but by the quality of it. More so people are of the opinion that the more content I have the more visits to my website. When people visit your site and do not find what they are looking for, your directory will see a huge decline in visits and probably stagnate. A good directory should have real content that is relevant to the users of the site. I cannot call my website a Kenya health directory if it does not contain Kenyan doctors or Kenyan hospitals. A good directory should have good navigation(site search function). The user should be able get results on any item they search for and the results should be closely linked with the search string. The Kenya health directory should be able to give you a list of Kenya doctors of specific speciality, town or area of operation. A good directory should be constantly updated so as to provide new information to your users. This will cause them to always come back to your site to check out what is new. I have applied this to my website where I get health articles from our Kenyan doctors. Finally, your directory should be well categorized. Information under each category truly relates to that category. In the Kenya health directory I have a category of Kenya doctors under which I have subcategories such Kenya gynaecologist/obstetrician. If I were to put Kenya hospitals under this category it would be inaccurate. It is therefore my quest to search for what is relevant to the users and post it on the directory. Information is hard to get in this part of the continent therefore having a Kenya health directory with the necessary information on how to get Kenya doctors will assist internet users. http://www.healthoutsource.co.ke Businessman in Kenya
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