3:28 PM
I. How Much Does A Website Cost? - Using Third Party Web Designers
You can have your site designed by a professional web designer for roughly $500 and up. This is a good option if you have a budget. However, for most individuals, this option is considered very pricey.
In a nutshell:
? Price - High. $500 up
? Quality - High
? Ease of Development - N/A
? Degree of Customizability - High
Cons: Very expensive. Not recommended for business start ups or those who want a personal website
For business start-ups or personal websites, cost is a major consideration. This is where self developed websites come in. Below are some of the most common approaches to building your own website and the costs associated with them.
II. How Much Does A Website Cost? - Using Programming Languages
All websites are coded using programming languages. The most basic programming language is HTML or HyperText Markup Language. This is the bread-and-butter of website coding as all websites use HTML. It also forms the basis for advanced languages such as XML (eXtended Markup Language) and other programming languages. These will definitely lighten your website cost budget. Since you are the one building these websites, building a website is completely yours and can be free!
In a nutshell:
? Price - Free - $400
Development is free if you use kompozer, Trellian or other free programs. However if you use branded editors such as Dreamweaver, Microsoft's Expression web, etc, you will incur a one time cash outlay of $150-$400
? Quality - Depends upon the coder
? Ease of Development - Depends upon the coder
? Degree of Customizability - High
Cons: It takes time to learn the language so site development takes long. I wouldn't recommend this for those without serious inclinations to learning programming languages.
III. How Much Does A Website Cost? - Buying Premade Templates
These templates start from being free to having a small fee attached to them. There are a lot of beautiful templates out there. A serious drawback to this approach however, is that if you are not familiar with html or other website editors, chances are you'll be stuck with the exact template that other people also bought.
In a nutshell:
? Price - $0 - $300 or more
? Quality -Depends upon the coder who has developed the template
? Ease of Development - N/A ? Degree of Customizability - Low
Cons: Very Good templates are never free $50-$300. "The level of customizability is not up to the mark when compared to coding the website yourself" - very true in this context.
IV. How Much Does A Website Cost? - Using Website Builders
Believe it or not, at a website cost of $3-$15/mo you can have your site up and running same day! Website builders are relatively new, yet, promising entrants to the field of web design. They allow you to develop a professional looking website with a very high degree of customization within minutes and with the ease of a WYSIWYG editor. A website cost is never incurred when using free website builder templates.
In a nutshell:
? Price - FREE (you only pay for hosting $3-$15/mo)
? Quality - Very high
? Ease of Development - Very Easy
? Degree of Customizability - High
Cons: For very complex websites, and those requiring advance functionalities, customizability can be an issue. Other than this, It is a perfect solution for most individuals seeking a web presence.
So, how much does a website cost? If you hire a designer, it can get very expensive. If , however you build your own site, especially using Site Builders, it can be very cheap! For $3-$15, you can have your online business/ personal site up and running in a matter of minutes!
For a quick step by step tutorial on how you can build professional looking websites in 30 minutes and at a website cost of less than $10, visit http://build-own-site-library.com
About the Author
Shell is a former corporate executive with more than 15 years financial management experience. She left the corporate world to go home-based and further pursue her passion in website creation and design. Her expertise is in the field of website building using site builders.
She actively shares her knowledge and passion on web building and design with other moms, virtual workers, business owners and others who may be interested in having a website of their own at http://build-own-site-library.com
3:24 PM
Feeling embarrassed and ashamed of myself for purchasing yet another online business, I decided that enough was enough. I had, lets say, "gotten carried away" with my credit card and wanted desperately to pay it off! I had decided that the only way I was going to pay of my credit card was the good old fashioned way, and that was getting up and going to work each day.
On that day, I came across and article simply called My Online Income System. Alarm bells went off in my head. "Don't do it," I told myself, "It's just another scam. Why would this one be any different?" As always, I ignored my inner voice and read the article. In fact, I read the article 3 times. It was about Kimberley Hoffman, a waitress with a small child who was working her butt off just to make ends meet, her husband had walked out and she was really struggling. She too had fallen for the "Online Money Making Scam" and was severely in debt because of it.
Kimberly claims that she was helped by a complete stranger who contacted her via an online forum and coached and mentored her on how to make money online. Before she new it she was able to tell her boss where to go and was making money and showing others how to do the same thing. How much of that story is actually true or not... who knows. All I know is that I was interested and wanted to know more. One more purchase, I told myself, this one is going to be different. I did it, I made the purchase.
So what did I get? Straight away I was given access to the member's area. The member's area is full of exciting finds. There was a 60 day action plan, online support and many forums for you to get involved in. The action plan got me hooked. Easy to read and work at your own pace, by day two I had a wealth of knowledge and was hungry for more.
So lets look at this and break it down into what it is and what it isn't.
What it is:
-Legitimate - No scams here!
-A learning tool
-A step-by-step guide into making money online
What it isn't:
-Another online Scam
-A "Business in a Box"
-A waste of time and money
So finally, have I made any money from this. Yes, did I pay off my credit card.. Yes, I would advise others to try this. Yes.
How Not To Get Scammed - My Online Income System
Visit http://yourfreewebsitesystem.com/e1000 to read a free report about this online business opportunity to find out the truth before you buy My Online Income System.
Elisha Marsh
3:20 PM
Are You Struggling to Sort Out Your HTML From Your FTP and Get Your Internet Business Into Profit?
Does FTP or HTML sound like something from outer space? Does the thought of uploading through CPANEL or building your MYSQL database just make you cringe? Have you been working your website business but things just seem complicated? Working online is a dream of many of us but there are many, many tedious activities especially when it comes to regular everyday marketing.
I'm sure you've imagined many times what it would be like to quit your job. You can just picture yourself sitting at your computer, sipping coffee, (or perhaps something stronger!) counting how much money you made overnight! And you can just imagine what it will be like to pay off that credit card debt.
I know, you got all excited about a product or an opportunity only to find out you just didn't have the experience or technical know-how to make it all work. The gurus always make it seem simple. But it seems like you've been down this road before and you are struggling to keep up with all the tasks required.
You also know that a good website could make you loads of cash, yet you're no programmer or HTML expert and just can't pull it all together. So what are some of the business building functions that you need to learn when building your business.. Well from a basic get business started perspective, you need to learn at least the following functions to grow your business.
- How to register a domain name
- The best way to set up your hosting account
- How to upload files to your website
- When to setup a blog
- Multiple ways to create Zip files,
- How to develop your PDF files so they become viral marketing tools,
- Creating a squeeze page
- How to modify a resale rights web page
- Loading video to your website
- Adding video to your site
- Creating redirects
- Setting up your auto-responders to market and grow your list.
And if you have been doing this for a while, I am sure you can think of even more that you need.
Well you know that a good internet platform is the basis of any internet business, but if you are not a programmer or HTML expert then you should get yourself some basic training by video or in person from a coach. The reason I recommend two types of training is that for video training you can view them when you want and for in person training gives you the edge to ask questions when things are still not clear.
Gregory Burrus your automated business solutions coach invites you to get free access to video training that shows you how to grow your business platform to help you explode your profits at internet business tutorials learn for free -visit http://www.Successismandatoryinternetcoaching.Com
3:15 PM
Going back to school or college? Starting a new business? Needing to understand the background to a particular situation or decision? Trying to come to terms with medical problems or medications you only know a little bit about?
In any of these situations, you're going to need to do some Internet research, maybe for the first time, maybe for the thousandth. But the Internet is awash with information and, more seriously, disinformation and information that can be downright cranky or wrong - so what can you rely on to help you distinguish the worthwhile from the worthless?
Here are some very useful pointers to help you get on, and stay on, the right track with your research needs.
1) The purpose of most research is to aid decision-making or to provide comfort, background and inspiration.
Which do you need to do? Setting your goals within the correct context will allow you to decide whether you need to look for hard factual information or more "soft" data - information about people in similar situations who are sharing their experiences, beliefs and opinions.
It's very important to remember that these are NOT the same thing. The main difference lies in the degree to which the information can be verified by people other than the ones providing the information, or the degree to which it's subject to objective and agreed standards.
When you need information about, say, the speed of light, it's important to cross check your facts - to verify whether the information has been correctly recorded. Resources like Wikipedia are wonderful but even there one must take care to ensure that the article you're reading has been correctly cited and independently verified. A good source must cite source material which is in the public domain such as research papers from well-known public bodies or national newspapers... and even these can be incorrect. "Verify or die" is good advice.
In short, ?if you need hard information, information that asks the questions: How many? How much? Who? When? Where? How often? you'll be needing information that's more statistically based: quantitative research. If you need to ask How? Why? What's it's like/ was it like to experience X? you may need "soft" or qualitative research. And both types may involve primary source material (from the horse's mouth or originated in the project cited) or secondary (complied from various sources) or a mixture of the two.
2) Set clear objectives. Give yourself the best chance to think around the problem - to set out, as best as you can, what you think you need to know. But remember to leave a little space for the unexpected: in research, one only ever gets answers to the questions one actually asks.
3) Be very careful, ALWAYS, to understand the basis on which the information has been gathered and what it refers back to. Who were the researchers? To whom did they talk? Do they belong to recognised professional associations or academic institutions??Information about the side - effects of a certain drug on a pharma-company website may be very different from that provided by academic research.?
And a little knowledge of statistics can be a dangerous thing: make sure you understand how something has been calculated before you broadcast your understanding of the conclusions. Statistical arguments can be tricky.
None of this means that you should ignore your gut feelings if one single comment or statistic you've read strikes a particular chord. A response like this has meaning of some kind, and many wonderful things have been discovered because of inspirations or 'eureka' moments - just be careful to make sure you convey, when writing a paper or talking to others, that it's your considered conclusion that this point is interesting, rather than The Whole?Truth.
4) Beware plagiarism. Nothing will undermine the value of your hard work like failing to give credit for using somebody else's work. It's illegal; and being found out will be a stain on your professional career you may never erase. It can get you barred from professions, leave you liable for lawsuits, get you expelled from school, and disgrace you... even when unintentional.
So cite your sources carefully, use quotation marks - even in your own notes and late at night when you're cramming - and most of all, give credit where credit is due. You'd want someone, down the line, to do that for you, wouldn't you?
Research can be, and frequently is, great fun to do. If you follow these few guidelines you'll have a far greater chance of using it to best effect and for the right reasons. Best of luck to you: see you online.
(c) copyright 2009 Alexandra Brunel all rights reserved
Alex Brunel is an American writer/researcher based in Stratford upon Avon, England.
She worked for over ten years with a major market research agency, Millward Brown International, and later as an independent, providing social and market research services on projects for public bodies like the UK's Financial Services Authority, its Department for Work and Pensions, and the Ministry of Defence - as well as for banks, manufacturers and insurance companies whose names you'd know
As well as living an exceptionally hair-raising life, she writes and reviews for anyone who will pay her and quite a few who don't.
You can see a collection of her short stories under her pen name Riveralex online at Storywrite - http://storywrite.com/riveralex
3:11 PM
It's hard to even conceive of such a world, isn't it? I've been online for nine or ten years now: I can't think of how I coped before. Did people not use to kill each other from boredom and frustration But recently we had a provider problem that led to (I'm a little embarrassed to state this, it's so trivial) around twenty-four hours of no internet access.
Oh my god, how could anyone survive that long?
Seriously. That is pretty much how it felt, especially as time went on. The worst thing was the OCD aspect: the continual retrying for connection, the continual disappointment and frustration. Eventually I had to power down and go lie on the bed, an 'antique' (in the functional sense) notebook and pen in hand for creative flow. (And by notebook I mean spiral bound and with paper leaves.) I wrote articles out in longhand, slowly. In the end my hands hurt a bit! But, after I'd psychologically adjusted, it actually wasn't too bad. The sunshine pouring through the window on a lovely May day probably helped, but really I quite enjoyed it. (Firmly telling myself to focus on the positive and what was enjoyable about the situation helped, too.)
After a few hours I did come around to the idea that there's an upside as well as a downside to being temporarily offline. Hence this article
Most of you will know all about the downside. The frustration, the sense of being cut off from all worthwhile connection. The anxiety as potentially productive time ticks away. Or, indeed, time that could have been spent twittering away or tinkering with your MySpace page. What are all your peeps getting up to out there without you to keep an eye on them? Your favourite blogger might have been abducted by aliens. And you wouldn't even know!
The upside takes a little more thinking (or living) through. For a start, without the continuous lure of your computer screen, you might actually get up and take a walk around outside. I've been out there. It's not so bad. I didn't get mugged by delinquent robins or fall in a stream or anything.
And when you're cut off from Web 2.0 type socialising, you might find that that's not the end of the world either. You can go out and do some real socialising instead. Phone your friends instead of Iming, go see a band, really interact in a way that allows you to give your fullest attention to each other - not the sliver left over after every other tab and pop-up on your screen is attended to.
If learning and research is a big part of what you use the net for - and it's a wonderful resource for all manner of people whose work lies primarily in the virtual realm - then there's somewhere else you can go. It's called a library. Yes, these mystical places of legend do tend to have their own internet cafes these days, so you can even get your fix (for an hour or so till your booking's over, anyway). But more than that, you can find new ways to research: books, newspapers, scholarly journals, elderly periodicals stuffed away on microfiche. (Okay, I'm not sure they actually have microfiche any longer. But it would be fun to find out). The librarians will help you out. Anyone not exclusively wanting to use the place as a net cafe and DVD rental shop will be a novelty to them at this point. They'll probably know a bit of stuff themselves: treat them as another resource - just one wearing a cardigan.
But there's no net, NO NET, what shall we do? That's not enough! Well, you could read a book. (And that's not meant to be snotty. Reading books rocks. It's hard to do when your monitor is always seducing you away from the printed word.) You could hammer through the box sets you bought and only watched once, if that. (You are really going to have to start again from scratch with Lost to stand a chance for next season. Seriously. If not, then you have a million gigabytes of RAM in your wetdrive and I salute you.) You could bring paperwork home from the office, or do your accounts for the past three months. (Hey, it's a valid option!)
You could just take some time off and kick back. Seriously, there's nothing wrong with doing nothing. Study cats for an example of the masters at work. You can call it meditation, or philosophy, or somesuch, if you're embarrassed to admit to it. Or you can actually meditate or philosophise, while you're at it. (Maybe that's what cats are doing. Apart from swatting flies. Disproving Descartes.) For a workaholic the internet is a dreadful creation. There's no reason to ever stop working. Until now! Now you can just exist for a while. Maybe think, instead of continually avoiding thinking.
You can travel around your local area and see places, instead of looking at pictures of them online. Maybe with all the travelling and thinking, you'll begin to see too - to see options you might have missed in the virtual world. Maybe a bricks and mortar business, instead of an online storefront?
You could put your virtual learning into practice. Been reading jewellery making and silversmithing blogs? Maybe now you could pick the phone up, sign up for a class. Hey, who knows when you'll get the net back up?
You can learn to appreciate and feel connected to previous generations, even in your own family. Hey, they lived like this all the time. Respect is due. How did they not run amok, anyhow?
But you know what you can do, most of all? What being without the net really teaches you? It teaches you to really blimmin' appreciate the internet, because it is wondrous and limited only by your imagination. Really! When your connection is up and running, you really, really, really appreciate it!
Copyright Ollie Hicks, 2009.
Want to make more online sales? Want to have more fun doing it? Come visit me at http://teatoastandtelly.blogspot.com
Ollie Hicks is a graduate in Biochemistry and Pharmacology, a freelance writer and has a strong interest in the modern craft movement.
3:08 PM
I personally like top 10 list articles because they offer multiple solutions and they are easy to read. However that may be too many when it comes to ways to make money online.
In this article I want to give you an easy solution that involves only two ways you can use the Internet to make money.
First of all I am going to assume that you have a money making blog or website you can promote products on. If you do not have one you need to get one as the best way to make money on the Internet is getting traffic to your website or blog.
Once you have people coming to your website here are the 2 easiest ways to make money online.
1. Join a pay per click affiliate program. Google AdSense is the most popular, but you do not have to limit yourself to it.
There are many PPC affiliate programs you can join such as 7search, Searchfeed, Yahoo and others. The only caution I would make is you cannot have other PPC affiliate programs on the same page where you have Google AdSense ads.
Because they make it extremely easy to place ads on your website Google is the most popular. If you are not a member of Google AdSense you should join their program and view some of their tutorials on how to blend ads into your site.
Regardless of the PPC affiliate program you join when people click on the ads you make easy money. It doesn't get any easier than this because you are not asking your website visitors to buy anything.
If they do click on an ad you earn a small commission. The more clicks you get the more money you make. There are people earning a few hundred dollars a month, and there are people earning a full-time income doing nothing more than PPC affiliate programs.
2. The second easy solution I want to offer for making money online is joining a pay per lead affiliate program. These are also known as cost per action programs and all you are doing is getting your website visitor to fill out a lead form.
The more forms you get filled out the more money you can make. There are examples of people earning seven-figure incomes doing cost per action programs.
You do not ask your website visitor to purchase anything and that is the reason we call this an easy solution to ways to make money online. You are strictly trying to get them to click on an ad or fill out a lead form. The better you become at that the more easy money you will make.
Imran Al Khairy has spent hundreds of hours looking for easy ways to make money online and has come to the following conclusions. If you are not making money right now read his 5 criteria a person should consider when researching ways to make money online here: http://www.dreamofrich.com
3:05 PM
When you're first starting out with internet marketing, all of the videos, seminars, webinars, etc. may be a bit overwhelming. With so much to learn can you really work at home and make a substantial amount of income?
Well, in the beginning, of course! Before you start anything, you must decide what you expect to gain from an internet marketing business. Is it the freedom of working from home, is it the ability to quit your day job, is it a hobby to earn income, or a combination of them all? After you have made the decision, you next need to decide where to turn for help and guidance with internet marketing? The internet is the obvious place, and while you can gain a significant amount of knowledge from reading, it's the actual hands-on experience that gives you the power to excel.
As with anything in life, we didn't come out of the womb knowing how to do things and just as we had to learn how to walk, crawl, and talk, you have to study internet marketing to know how it works. For some it's a game, But for many its there livelihood, and they take it serious. Many people go the multimedia route to learn the ropes; videos, audio, eBooks, etc., but if you really want to learn the business, and you are truly serious, consider an internet marketing coach or mentor.
Your first thought may be, I am not going to pay someone to teach me what I can learn online, but the truth is there are many things that you cannot learn online, I don't care how many eBooks you purchase.
A professional internet marketing coach, meaning someone who has lived or lives the life and not just read about it, will show you the inns and outs of the business from the ground up. There are different types of coaching, and after researching some of them, you can decide- this could be one-on-one coaching, or group sessions such as mastermind groups, or online instruction. The group format of learning seems to be the most rewarding for many because you have a chance to interact with others who have the same goal as you, to succeed at online marketing. Through these meetings, you might discuss the problems you're having, ideas you might want feedback on, or even having the group critique some of your work.
One of the greatest things about pairing up with an internet marketing coach or mentor is that you can learn the secrets that others may not know, things that made them successful. You are also exposed to freebies like new product launches, guest speakers, and most importantly, sound advice from an expert who is in your corner. Even if you don't have a lot of extra money to spend, consider a marketing coach or mentor as an investment in your near future. You won't regret it.
So can you really work from home and make a substantial amount of income...... well yes in my opinion. If you search around and find a marketing coach or mentor who is willing to put there time in you and help you to become successful than you will succeed. As long as you're willing to listen, learn and most of all keep an open mind and know that you can and will never know it all. "It's not possible we all learn everyday."
For more information about what to look for in order to find the best Online Job Opportunities and how to protect your Financial future in this recession, as well as top Online Tactics you can start using Now to make Sure Money Online, go now to http://www.cash1kdaily.com
Nathan Wright is an accomplished Entrepreneur, Top internet Marketer and International Team Mentor who trains both Total Beginners to the Online world, and Seasoned Pros to achieve Financial Freedom By creating wealth and prosperity online! For more information on the Top internet Marketing Tactics, and how to find the Best Job Opportunities that you can use Now to build the most successful online business, please visit http://www.cash1kdaily.com
3:00 PM
Working from home is quickly becoming one of the greatest ways for individuals to generate financial freedom but with all the work at home scams that are on the internet today, it's difficult to believe there is any legitimate work from home companies out there.
When looking for a legitimate way to make money online it can often be very tricky. When you're looking you should really take your time and do a lot of research, and be very picky when deciding on your top choices. Once you have your top choices you should compare them to one another and find out which ones has the best compensation plan and will pay you the most money for your time.
Is the television always the best source?
Well the television is a great source and there are great home businesses advertised on it, but just cause there advertised on TV people sometimes think there all legit. They can sometimes be so convincing that it makes you feel crazy not to join. But if there throwing promises at you like television ads usually do than 99.9 percent of the time it's just another fly by night company trying to talk money from your pocket into there hands, and believe it or not as discouraging as it may be it often works.
The internet
As we all know the internet is the most popular way to find home based businesses. But if you're not careful it can easily turn into the worst investment you ever made and discourage you from looking for other ways to create the success you're looking for from the comfort of your own home.
A few last minute tips
When choosing your top choices always make sure there is a valid phone number on there front page as well as a valid address. When talking to a representative from the company you should always pay clear attention to the tone of there voice. It's an excellent way to tell if they really want to help you start and successfully run your own home business.
In conclusion
To find the best online job opportunity to make the most income on the internet and make sure money online your biggest role in succeeding successfully is putting the dedication in and doing your research. Just remember because it sounds good doesn't always mean it's really good.
If you take these factors into consideration when looking to find the best home based business opportunities than you will achieve the success you've always dreamed of!
To learn more about what to look for in order to find the best Online Job Opportunities and how to protect your Financial future, as well as top Online Tactics you can start using Now to make Sure Money Online, go now to http://www.cash1kdaily.com
Nathan Wright is an accomplished Entrepreneur, Top internet Marketer and International Team Mentor who trains both Total Beginners to the Online world, and Seasoned Pros to achieve Financial Freedom By creating wealth and prosperity online! For more information on the Top internet Marketing Tactics, and how to find the Best Job Opportunities that you can use Now to build the most successful online business, please visit http://www.cash1kdaily.com
2:58 PM
There are often times when people start an online business at home and end up failing. Not because they weren't intelligent enough but because there wasn't any help to support and guide them through the process. Or you simply were convinced to pay for what you thought to be a potentially successful online business and it was nothing but a scam! If you really know how to tell if a business is legit or not, these types of things will never happen to you.
There are many steps to start a successful online business from home. But when you know exactly what to look for, you can have a lot of success and develop an outstanding online business.
4 crucial steps to look for when searching for online jobs
1 - Believe in yourself- in society today there are many people out there that have either very little or no self confidence. When trying to become successful you have to believe in yourself and know you can do it. If you don't its easy for others to since that your very unsure about what you're doing. It will cause you to loose others interest.
2 - Proven business-regardless of experience level, lack of capitol, or anything else that may be holding you back it is crucial to ensure your dealing with a company that has successful people and has a step-by-step system for you to follow to effectively make money online.
3 - Reputation & compensation plan- when you have your list of what you believe to be the best business opportunities, you should always check out the company's reputation. There are many approaches to this. You can check there site out and look for testimonials, which is a great one, or you could call the business and talk to a random representative and ask questions like: are members getting paid quickly, are they happy with there current training, and approx how many members does your company currently have. The compensation plan should be competitive allowing you to earn fairly reasonable commissions. This is very critical if you want to earn a serious income with your business online.
4 - Training & mentoring- when searching for the best home based business opportunity it is critical that you spend time learning about the companies training & mentoring. The training section should be a place where only members can go and learn how to better market there product & a lot of other things. And as far as mentoring there should be a one-on-one mentor/coach that you can talk to anytime you want and ask questions. These are very major steps to becoming successful.
Before you ever decide to pick a company to start you own home-based business you need to be very picky & question the small things that don't seem to be important because later on they will be an important part of your success.
To learn more about what to look for in order to chose the home-based business that's right for you and has all the tactics you need to start making sure money online, go now to http://www.cash1kdaily.com
Nathan Wright is an accomplished Entrepreneur, Top internet marketer and International Team Mentor who trains total both Total Beginners and Seasoned Pros to achieve Financial Freedom by creating wealth and prosperity online! For more information on steps to a more successful online business, please visit http://www.cash1kdaily.com
2:54 PM
There are many classified websites found online. The most popular is that of Craigslist.org. Why? Although you may not think about it at first, Craigslist is like one big giant circle. Each section of the website can lead to the next, providing you with many opportunities and benefits along the way. For example:
Craigslist begins with a section for housing. In this section, you can find anything that you need related to housing. You can find houses for sale, apartments for rent, and much more. So, whether you are looking to buy a new house or rent a new apartment, you can find it on Craigslist. Get stared with a search by using the search box on the left-hand side of the page.
Below the housing section, Craigslist has a for sale section. In this section, you will find thousands of items for sale in your immediate surrounding area. Let say that you just used Craigslist to buy a new house or rent a new apartment, what about furniture and home decor? You can find cheap couches, kitchen appliances, wall paintings, and much more. As with finding a house to buy or an apartment to rent, you can find affordable home decor items and more by using the search box on the left-hand side of the page.
Underneath the for sale section, which appears below the housing section, Craigslist has a spot for services. This is where individuals who have a service to offer for pay make a listing. They highlight the type of service they are willing to perform, their average rates, as well as their work experience. Since you just bought a new house, that you found listed on Craigslist, you may need an experienced contractor to make updates and repairs. Guess what? You can find that individual by using the services offered section on Craigslist.org. But, it doesn't stop there.
In the next column over, there are two sections titled "jobs," and "gigs." Owning a new home or upgrading to a more expensive apartment isn't cheap. You may need to generate extra income. You can use the popular classified website to find a full-time or part-time job. You can also use their gigs section to find one-time or short-term projects to generate extra cash. Remember, this money can help you fill your new home or apartment with affordable furniture and decor that you bought from Craigslist. Of course, you can also list your unwanted items for sale on the website too.
As you can see, Craigslist creates one big giant circle that keeps going around and around. Everything the website offers can benefit you in one way or another. Whether you are looking for a few good deals or if you want to buy a new home, fill it with affordable furniture, hire a cheap repairman to do work, and get a part-time job to pay for the extras, you can do so right at Craigslist.org. So, what are you waiting for? Start benefiting today!
Craigslist search tools, like the Craigslist Reader available at MotionT.com, can make using Craigslist quick and easy. Search multiple locations and categories today.
8:26 AM
Creating your own information products can be done very quickly. It can also be done relatively inexpensively. When I was just getting started I found that it was just too overwhelming to think about creating my own product. That is why I highly recommend starting out with a private label rights, or PLR, product as your first product to sell online.
Private label rights products are digital eBooks and audio recordings on thousands of niche topics. The rights you are purchasing, typically for less than ten dollars, include the completed eBook, graphics, and a sales letter. This makes it a complete package at a very low cost.
Another thing that I like about setting up these products for sale online is that you are not emotionally attached to them. I spent three months writing my first eBook, only to find that there was not much of a market for my topic. With these eBooks, even if I only make fifty dollars a month from one I can just go on to the next one and have another information market ready to sell.
The first site you set up will be for practice. Then you can learn the steps to take so that you can easily do it over and over again. I only spend about a week rewriting and editing the eBook and sales letter, and then it is ready to go on the internet. I encourage you to get started with this as soon as possible, so that you will be making money with info products while you are creating your own products to sell online.
Remember that getting started with an online business does not have to be difficult. I invite you to visit http://www.DotcomJumpstart.com to find out how you can get started right away with eBooks and other digital products to build your own online empire.
8:23 AM
First of all, we have to be honest with ourselves. You are reading this article right now because you are looking for a quick and easy way out of whatever situation you are in. Maybe you are sick of your job. Maybe your boss has gotten on your last nerve, or you are working with the one person you just can't take any longer. Maybe you don't have a job, but whatever you are doing right now just isn't cutting it. Maybe you have money and are looking for an investment which requires little commitment but yields a great return. Maybe you have been imagining all the things extra cash can do for you. Maybe you saw something you really wanted, and decided that you were going to do what it took to get it. Maybe that spark of inspiration is what landed you here right now reading this page. Well good, you have come to the right place. But unfortunately, this article is not the end, it is the beginning of your journey.
Let's cut to the chase, you want to make money online. Are you familiar with Craigslist? If you are you may want to take another look at this website. It has been the birthplace of many a business recently. You have people in your local area willing to buy and sell right on the website. It is free to post ads, and the return is usually greater than you would expect. But instead of selling, try buying. It is a fact that a lot of the people who use Craigslist DO NOT use eBay. This is a little known secret that has generated large amounts of dollars because of the contrasting sales environments. A Sony ps2 network adaptor sells on eBay for about $50 with free shipping. You can post a free ad on Craigslist saying that you are looking to buy ps2 network adaptors for $15 and that you will come and pick them up. The best time to post is on the weekends, that's usually when people seem to use the site most. You should get a couple of responses. At least enough to make $100 to $300 profit depending on the type of area you are in and how far you are willing to travel. Try to follow up as quickly as you can to every response. In doing this, realize that you may receive some scam responses. Anyone asking you to link to their site or something like that is just some internet marketer trying to make a dollar. Leave it alone. Take your newly acquired network adaptors and sell them on eBay. They usually sell pretty quickly (for whatever reason), and people are usually pretty happy to get even $15 for them.
Now you are probably thinking, wow, I made a whopping $35 (and then you've got to ship them so that's another six to eight dollars, plus gas, fees etc). But also keep this in mind, I've gotten as many as 4 to 6 responses in 1-2 days for this type of ad. It may be worth your time. You must also consider, there are millions of other products out there that people are looking to get rid of for cheap. And you need to be in a position to purchase them and sell them for higher. This is a concrete business model-buy cheap, sell high. There you have it.
But let's dig a little deeper now. You can get a free eBay membership and have the ability to research product values. For instance, to see how much Sony ps2 network adaptors sell for, sign in under your eBay name and search for them. Then click on the "completed listings" tab, usually on the left side of the screen within the search parameters, and you can see what they have sold for recently, as well as what they have sold for in past months. This is an invaluable tool in calculating what you can offer someone for these items, the profit margin, and the time it will take to sell it.
Honestly, if you are just willing to look, there is always somewhere that money can be made. The biggest commitment is taking the time to figure out what is bringing the money in. Whether its an internet affiliate program, buying and selling like this, or a combination of a bunch of things, the biggest factor is research.
There are in fact so many ways to make money online it pains me to think of all the effort put in by people who don't know the game. What you are looking for is right under your fingertips, doesn't cost a thing, and is NOT very likely to be revealed by some internet marketing genius for a one time of whatever. You simply have to take a product, and sell it to the person who wants it. And the best way to sell the product is not to address the customer, but to address the reasons the customer wants the product. When advertisements come on television, they aren't marketing to you, they are marketing to your desires. You must take the same approach to your customers.
So rule number one for all you entrepreneurs- do what you know. Pick a product you can explain pretty easily. This is rule is simple because you can't sell what you don't understand. You should have a reasonable base of knowledge of your product because alot of people will want to buy, but they may have questions. If you don't know much, look on the internet for frequently asked questions (FAQs) about your product, then you'll have a more clear understanding of your customer's concerns.
Rule number two-advertise, advertise, advertise. You have got to take advantage of the numbers. If a thousand people are exposed to your product, there is a better chance of someone buying than if just ten people are exposed to it. Place ads everywhere you can. Write articles on sites like these (there are tens of dozens of sites you can submit articles to). Advertise with yahoo and Google. Create an internet presence. The more people see your ads, the stronger the impact it has on them. If you are creative, come up with a logo or a picture using a drawing software. If you aren't Picasso, then maybe you have a friend who can come up with something for you. If you are selling on eBay, there are options that allow you to list your products across multiple categories which exposes you to more potential customers.
Rule number three-know the state of the market. You have to look at your allies and your competition. How is everyone else selling this product. Who is the most successful right now? How can I duplicate or improve upon that success? How are they advertising? Where are they advertising? What kind of reputation does their product have? How long have the most successful competitors been selling this product? What do you offer that they don't? And if you don't offer anything different, how can you market the same product differently? For example- you may want to place your emphasis on the great service your company provides, or your excellent refund policies, guarantees etc... try to avoid negative statements about a company, it usually makes you look upset and serves as further advertisement for that company. This isn't a presidential election, it's a way to make people feel comfortable doing business with you.
Rule number four-keep going. When it's bad, keep going. When it's good, keep going. This is the most important rule, because business is always changing. What worked yesterday may not work tomorrow, what might not be working now may be better suited for the future. You have to stay on top of the changes within your industry in order to capitalize off of them. And also, when you keep going you keep learning. If things go extremely well, you can actually paralyze your business by not advancing and relying on your old tactics. Keep your head grounded so you can see new opportunities on the horizon.
For more information on how to improve your business, feel free to visit http://www.thehustlersblog.blogspot.com
8:21 AM
If you have made up your mind on looking for local services companies to do your work, then you have made the correct decision. It is sad to note that a majority of consumers still fancy the old way of hiring a company regardless of the location.
Well, the Internet boasts quite a big number of companies that makes it rather hard for the consumer to make a choice. From experience, it is increasing becoming risky to contract service companies which are not within ones locality. There are a lot of advantages associated with using a local company compared to using a service provider from a distant location.
When contracting a company to do your work, it necessary to know the company\s physical location so that you can take necessary steps in case there is any breach of contract. With numerous online companies claiming to offer the best services, chances of getting scammed are real.
Imagine contracting an accountant who later disappears after you paying money up front.
Another advantage of using a local company is related to costs. Imagine hiring a company in Atlanta and yet the work to be done is in Miami. The cost of hiring a Company from Miami would be much cheaper. In fact, nearly all companies will calculate and charge you mileage, which only makes sense to hire a service provider near you.
Last but not least, it's easy to find reference that you can use to rate the local service providers. There is a possibility that your neighbor could have used the same contractor before. Their experiences will help you determine the best local services company for your work.
You can easily find local services companies within your locality online. The best way to fine one is by using a website that offers a large database of service providers to choose from.
Click Here Local Companies to find a site that provides a list of companies within your area (applicable to all states in the United States).
Personally, I suggest visiting http://www.iservu.us
8:16 AM
I haven't investigated every internet business available that promises you can make a lot of money online. I'm sure there are those with which one can make money, but there are many more that do not produce what's advertised. So like me you have probably looked at and even tried a few of them yourself.
Does a red flag of warning go up for you when you see yet another one touted? It does for me. ?
Why I decided to check out some plans and not others I don't know at this point, but something in the advertising just rang true for me with some of them. I'm glad I did. I think the hook in making my final selection was a comment on one site that stated, "It takes just as much time and effort to get a $47 sale as a $1,000 sale." Think on that for a moment.
Let's say your goal is to make $10,000 from your internet campaign. If your product is priced at $10, for example, you would have to sell 1,000 copies to reach your goal. That's a lot of people to convince your new "widget" is a must buy. On the other hand if the price of your product or your affiliate product is $1,000 you would only need to sell 10 of those products. Just consider your time, energy and money investment when comparing the two scenarios. ?
I have seen it stated, "If people want your product money will not be an issue." ?
The prevailing reasoning is that most people can afford a $47 product, but a $1,000 one is a different story. I'm not here to knock the $27 or $47 or even the $7 offerings. I have some really good ones myself. And it's also not accurate to say that all big ticket products are wonderful. There are some real stinkers here too.
Just use due diligence when you are investigating, comparing and/or pricing those programs that you are considering for use in your business. ?
Look for programs that incorporate both a low-end/entry-level product with modest costs and commissions and a high-end/big-ticket program that has both considerably higher costs and commissions. It wouldn't be a bad idea for those to also have one or more mid-level offerings.
Aidin Ashlee is a direct response internet marketer and freelance writer. Learn how to manage a well designed, responsive home based business and finally make the maximum profits (Max Pro) you deserve. Check it out at: http://www.getinstantincomenow.com
8:13 AM
Do you get anxiety on Sunday nights dreading getting up in the morning and going to work? Are you sitting on your couch on the weekends wondering how you got here? Do you think, "I just can't do this job one more day?" Is your future summed up by "I finally have 3 weeks of vacation?"
Well if you answered "yes" to even one of those questions, the others are right behind. I know what it feels like to want to escape the rat race first hand and have worked hard to find an alternative to allow me to live a life I enjoy. Hopefully, this guide will put you a bit ahead of the curve and a bit closer to escaping the rat race:
? Brainstorm ways you can make money through self employment. You're looking for things with low to no start-up cost here. A great way to do this is browsing the internet, there is a plethora of online businesses that are legitimate and offer you a very feasible ways of making money.
? Look at your current activities and decide how much time you're willing to commit to a second money making activity. Many times internet businesses take 3 to 6 months to get up and running and will require your time more than money at first.
? Build up your reasons of WHY you want to make this change. Making this change will throw you against a wave of conventionalism which will test your commitment. Having a strong why or why's will guard you against giving into the nay-sayers. In fact you may want to get a group of new friends that support your decision.
? Educate yourself on others that have successfully made this transition and understand the methods to their madness. You need to know that this has been done successfully many times before and be confident in your decision.
? Find a self-help guru that you completely relate to and immerse yourself in their teachings. Take what you need to grow into this new way of life. Your mindset will be one of your most valuable assets!
For those who want to escape the Rat Race, let me tell you it's not impossible! It simply requires some thinking and some action on your part. Take the first step and GO NOW to www.allisoncarman.com. Here's to your success and happiness.
Allison Carman
8:10 AM
I've got news for you:?it is really not hard at all to earn passive income online. Anyone can do it, but most people won't, simply because it takes several months of hard work before you start to see any significant return on your investment.
Many people begin the process, but they never even get close to finishing it. They assume that all these people online who claim to have made money on the Internet are either lying or insanely lucky, and move on with their lives.
I'm not denying that it's difficult to keep working, writing non-stop, when you can't see any progress. The key is to believe in yourself and keep writing. Remind yourself why you want to earn passive income online - is it the freedom from a 9-hour work day? To spend more time with your kids??
Always keep your end goals in mind. Tape a picture of a European vacation or a sports car to remind yourself what you can and will accomplish if you keep working as hard as you can.
One of the best ways to earn passive income online is with a website that you keep continually updated with information that is relevant to a certain group of people. Do not try to be a generalist - specialize! Know your audience backward and forward, whether they are Lexus enthusiasts or stamp collectors.
Then, learn the products they need to get more enjoyment out of their passion. Join affiliate programs with these products, buy them yourself, and review them. Make your research as objective as possible, so your readers can learn to trust your advice.
Your goal should be able to give honest advice, and gain people's trust and respect. This attitude creates repeat customers, and multiple sales in the future are worth much more to you than one quick sale of a poor product that loses your reader's trust in you forever.
In all things you do to earn passive income online, remember that your focus should always be on creating a long-term profit stream. Don't spend your time or money on fads or get rich quick schemes.
There is no easy way to make money online, or everyone would already be doing it. But the work you put in for your first year can easily still be paying you five to ten years from now.
Take a deep breath, and make the commitment to invest in your future. Read some more tips on how to earn passive income online and how to bid goodbye to a so-called "normal" career - forever! - at my website: Best-Passive-Income.com
8:04 AM
If you make a video slide show of your seminar, you can create additional income streams. You can sell it on CDs or DVDs both at your speeches and other seminars and over the Internet. You can sell it online as a download.
It's both simple and cheap to create a video slide show of your seminar. Here's a recipe:
An audio recording of your seminar.
Your slides for the seminar.
A digital photograph of you looking into the camera.
A slide presentation program such as Open Office (Star Office) Impress or Microsoft Powerpoint.
A video editing program such as Windows Movie Maker.
A computer with enough speed and disk memory.
Create a slide background for your presentation that includes your picture in a corner. Seeing your face will make viewing the show feel more like being present for a live presentation.
If you expect people to watch the video over the internet and you have slides with a great many bullet points or a small font size split the slides up to have fewer bullet points. Use a larger font on each. You will probably need to make the window size smaller to allow the video file to download quickly, and small text will be unreadable. If you have slide animation such as bullet points sliding in, you may need to create copies of the slide with increasing many points showing on each one. The effects won't appear in the sequences of slide images you load into the video editor.
Get an image file for each slide. Saving the slides as HTML will give you a picture of each slide. (In Open Office/Star Office, look under File>Export.)
Load the audio recording into your video editing program.
Drag the audio recording into the sound track. Edit the audio file adjusting the volume and removing periods of silence and extraneous material. You can do this, perhaps better, in an audio editing program before loading it into your video editing program.
Drag the slide pictures into your video editing program.
Drag one slide image at a time into the video track and adjust the duration to match the audio it covers. If you want to have a transition such as a dissolve from one slide to the next, make the first slide last a little past the point of transition. The next slide will start to appear overlapped with the end of its predecessor.
Write out the video slide show file. You'll have a lot of choices for output format. If you plan to have people view the videos over the web, you better go for small files, which is to say, small image size. For a DVD, you can make them considerably larger.
Put the video slide show file up on your web site for download or viewing, or make DVDs or digital CDs from the file. There are plenty of companies that will duplicate disks, label them, put them in cases with cover and side art, and shrink-wrap them for you.
Dr. Christopher is offering a growing collection of ecourses and ebooks showing speakers, writers, and self-employed professionals how to create income streams online. Dr. Christopher, a Colorado public speaker and seminar leader, prepared these in response to requests from the Speakers In Colorado group.
7:57 AM
You want to become an internet entrepreneur and why wouldn't you? One of the best reasons to is because of how easy it would be with today's technology at our fingertips. Anyone can become an internet entrepreneur if they are interested in selling items or using the internet to make money and they don't even have to have any special skills.
Selling items on the internet has made millionaires of regular people just like you. There are millions of prospective customers and they can be found easily and mostly free which saves tons of money upfront on marketing and advertising like with conventional businesses. If you have a hot item that everyone wants and you can sell it at a profit you can make money in no time.
Maybe you are an expert in any field. If so then you can sell your know-how and expertise to millions on the internet as well. If you just provide information and help others find solutions to problems, sell this information.
If you use any of these ideas or have others you are on your way to being a top-notch, internet entrepreneur. You can make lots of money from your services and be your own boss.
Do you wonder if there is job security? Well, if you've been around a couple of years to see the advance in technology such as how the internet is used by all ages from the elderly to the elementary school student. You'll recognize that the internet is not going away overnight or anytime soon.
Ten years ago would not have been too early to begin a career as an internet entrepreneur. Five years ago was ideal with all the younger folks that have since created internet icons we all use today. We have grandma's emailing and six year olds on YouTube videos.
So, just jump in and go for it. You'll learn new things from others for free that can help you as well.
Social media sites are worldwide and can give you a name and fame in weeks, if not days. Be passionate about whatever your ideas are. Always think of new and resourceful ways to push your ideas, solutions, products or services out to the public.
George Metzger is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. George and his team have assisted hundreds of people in generating profits that exceed $250K or more in their first year. For more information and to contact George, visit: http://www.buildafortuneonlinetoday.com
7:53 AM
Online reputation management or ORM, is the process of consistently researching and analyzing a person's personal, professional, industry or business reputation, which is represented by user generated content and all kinds of online media. Online reputation management is also known as online reputation monitoring.
Online reputation management is a new industry. But it has successfully attracted the consciousness of professionals due to the unpredictable and sometimes overwhelming nature of amateur user generated content or journalistic contents by professionals. This industry is growing due to the large number of user friendly social media websites which can easily accessed by filling up a simple registration form.
The type of online content to be monitored by ORM includes professional content sponsored by big media giants as well as user generated contents like blogs, reviews, comments, ratings and all types of specialized websites regardless of any subject like group, company, person, trend, concept, event etc.
Basically, the need for management of user generated media gave birth to online reputation management.
As user generated media increased with rise in social media and social networking sites, the search results of major search engines were also affected.
EBay was one of the earliest and first website companies which used the power of user generated media feedback. By using CGM (consumer/user generated media) feedback rating the sellers and buyers were given reputations which helped the other users in making decisions regarding the buying and selling of products .Reputation defender was among the first website companies to offer management of online reputations. Another company which made early efforts to promote online reputation management on personal level was ClaimID. A few other online reputation management tools are trackur, Google alerts and Brandseye.
Examples of online media monitored by ORM are:
1) Social networks like Facebook, Orkut , Myspace etc.
2) Review sites like epinions and Mouthshut.
3) Sites which allow to review an individuals like personratings dot com
4) Social Bookmarking websites like Digg and Stumbleupon.
5) Blogs
6) Discussion forums etc.
7) Blogging communities like opendiary, livejournal etc
8) Micro blogs like twitter, plurk etc
Reputation management can be beneficial in many ways. It can help a lot in improving the customer satisfaction by analyzing the customer`s point of view about a product or a service. ORM can also help in accessing the position of your competitor`s product or service in the market. You can easily create a list of keyword phrases which are used to find your product or services on the internet.
If you are looking for more information then feel free to visit Internet Marketing Services and Online Reputation Management
7:50 AM
A lot of people are learning about social networking. That means that there are a lot more business coaches promoting their businesses online right now. In order for you to stand out high above competition, there are certain things you need to do. Announcing 5 huge steps to energize your coaching sales online.
1. Join online groups and associations relevant to business. When you join all business networking associations, you can increase leads for you.
2. Join linking services like LinkedIn and Plaxo because these are great online locations to get connected with like minded people. Once you get to know how to use these social networking vehicles, you can start to see new business coming your way.
3. Make some brief videos of yourself presenting your business solutions that interest your ideal client. Your ideal client will naturally be drawn to the content in your videos. Publish your videos in as many spots as seems expansive so your message can be virally spread online.
4. Focus on what you can do to get sales. There will be some pessimistic thinking and sounding people along the way who intentionally want to trip you up. Make sure you keep your focus positive because you are the one in charge of your destiny.
5. Describe your very interesting promos using keywords those searching for your program would use in search engines. This makes you much easier to find and helps you match up to your perfect prospects sooner. Use online keyword checking tools to keep up to date on the appropriate keywords.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide.
Download it free here: Internet Marketing
Do you want to learn how to use articles like this to drive targeted traffic to your site?
Click here: Article Writing Guide
Sean Mize teaches coaches, consultants, and small business owners how to package their knowledge and sell it in high priced coaching, consulting, and online class packages, and is an expert at using articles like this to drive traffic to his website, and has taught hundreds of clients his secrets. Sean says "If you have an existing marketable service or skill that you can teach others, I can teach you to package it into a high-priced class or coaching program, guaranteed"
4:13 PM
Do you currently love your job? Unfortunately, not many people do. However, if you want to love what you do, you may want to consider an alternative to the traditional job. Many people are often starting their own business in an effort to achieve their dream of working for themselves. The following are some ideas for you to start your own web business, so you, too, can love your at home job.
Sell Your Own Products
Many people often begin their at home job by selling the products they make online. If you have a hobby of crocheting, sewing, woodworking, or even jewelry making, you will find it quite easy to sell your own products from your own website. Your biggest task will be coming up with a market strategy to reach your target audience. However, with a little bit of hard work and determination, you will be this can be a profitable method of selling your own products.
Purchase Products at Wholesale
If you do not have a hobby or skills to make your own products, do not let this stop you from starting a web business. Many people often enjoy their at home job when they purchase products at wholesale and sell them on their website. Again, marketing the products will be your most difficult task. Once you have chosen your product, do your research to find the best method of reaching your target market. You will find there is a lot of information online to assist you if you are unsure of the variety of methods used.
Sell Your Services
Many people often create their own website to market their services to individuals all over the world. For example, if you have great writing skills, you can market your services to both individuals and business online. Bring in the traffic to your website by advertising on free classified sites, sending out emails to various businesses, and invest a little money in advertising on some of the major sites on freelance writing and you may be surprised by how quickly your business grows.
Dustin Heath recommends that you visit http://www.desktopbusinessathome.com to learn how you can start your own home-based business earning multiple streams of income with a Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!
4:06 PM
Chances are you've heard of just about every way there is to make money on the Internet. But some people think outside the box when coming up with ways to make money online. Here are 3 wacky ways people have come up with to earn money from the Internet.
Crazy Business #1. Uploading music to other people's iPods. I guess even with today's technology, some people still can not learn how to upload music to their own iPod. I saw a story a while back about a woman in New York who started a business doing just that...uploading music to people's iPods. Apparently she's so successful at it that she had to hire three employees. The story said that she pulled in about $100,000 per year in sales. This is simply amazing to me!
Crazy Business #2. Domain picker. Yeah, you heard right. There's a service out there that does nothing other than pick domains for people and businesses. You send them $50 and tell them what kind of domain you're looking for. They then send you a list of domain names. Pretty clever huh? According to the story in the paper, the guy has no problem keeping busy with companies and individuals needing a domain name. Go figure.
Crazy Business #3. A guy who's hobby was pickling started his own home based business by experimenting with Family pickling recipes. He whipped up the recipes in his own Kitchen. He then gave away these wildly flavored pickled items to his friends to see which ones they like. He's taken his business online and one report states that his business has increased by 200%!
These are just a few examples of thinking outside the box when it comes to making money online. It just goes to show you that you don't have to follow the same path as everyone else! So what kind of wacked out ways to make money can you come up with?
Don runs the blog AffiliateWatcher.Com where he blogs about internet marketing and ways to make money. The new or beginning online entrepreneur can find a host of resources to help them get started blogging and making money online, including info on affiliate marketing programs.
3:59 PM
Make Money Online - Discover 6 Advanced Methods to Energize Your Internet Money Making Business
You are an expert doing something online. You're making money but you'd like to make more. Using an open-minded attitude, you can increase your client numbers and then make more money. Using simple yet useful ideas, you can improve your business sales numbers. As you continue to read this article, discover 6 advanced methods to energize your online money making business.
1. Specialize and stick to it. If you are looking for more customers, using a shotgun approach just makes you a generic company. Specialize and develop your expertise in one segment of your niche and stick to it.
2. Remember, just because you can provide service to any person doesn't mean you have to serve that person. If you have connected with a person who exhausts you because they take up so much of your time, refund their money and tell them to find a different coach.
3. Regularly market and promote your business. Write articles for newsletters to get yourself noticed. Go to forums and post ideas. Keep your name before your possible audience and you'll more easily make money.
4. Reach out to your local community and offer products and services that will help them really improve their lives. Use your niche market expertise skills and let them know what you offer.
5. Identify which products and services sell more often and make you the most money. Intentionally create activities whereby you can sell your highest profit products and services.
6. Believe in yourself and in your business. Convey your passion and your customers will find you.
By the way...do you want to learn exactly how to create a high income online business by meeting the needs of people in your niche through coaching, consulting, and teaching online classes?
Download my new recording: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online" here: http://www.highticketsellingcoach.com
Or...do you want to learn how to increase your online income by adding coaching, consulting, and online classes to your existing practice or business? Find out how here: Internet Marketing Coaching
Sean Mize teaches coaches, consultants, and small business owners how to package their knowledge and sell it in high priced coaching, consulting, and online class packages. Sean says "If you have an existing marketable service or skill that you can teach others, I can teach you to package it into a high-priced class or coaching program, guaranteed"
3:54 PM
The basics of an internet business plan are largely the same for a physical business as well as an internet business. The difference if any will revolve around the emphasis on some components and certain components being deleted from the scope of the plan. The following discussion will help you understand these differences.
1. Create an executive summary
This section will summaries the entire plan into a page or two giving out the salient points for a quick study. The emphasis obviously will be on how the business can benefit from the vast potential of the internet and how it would help in bolstering the bottom-line. Your cash flow projections will highlight the fact that payment for goods and services often precede delivery and therefore, its impact on working capital should be emphasized in the internet marketing business plan.
2. Describing your business
The products or services that the business proposes to handle are described in this section of the plan for your online business. When information products are the subject matter of consideration, go that extra mile in explaining the benefits of the segment. This is essential because every reader may not be familiar with information products or the internet itself. Your presentation should steer clear of technicalities and jargon so that it is understood easily by every one.
3. What are the marketing plans?
There must be a well structured marketing plan for every business to prosper. Therefore, your internet business plan should deal with this section in great length with supporting facts and figures. Comprehensive discussions on competition, advertising, target market, logistics (if your business involves moving physical goods to customers) and pricing (where an option exists). The effort should focus on convincing the readers that you have deep knowledge of the products supplemented by a high degree of business acumen.
Would you like to learn more about starting an Internet business? I just completed a brand new free guide. Download my brand new free guide here: Internet Business
3:48 PM
Business For Baby Boomers - Starting an Internet Business If You Have Already Been in the Workplace
You may be thinking about starting your own business on the internet so that you can make more money and live the life of your dreams. Many people are doing just that, and you can certainly be one of them. If you are a baby boomer, like I am, you may find that this is the lifestyle for you.
When I decided to quit my job and come online in 2005, I didn't even think about getting rich. I just wanted to replace the income I was giving up from my job. Once I learned how to set up my business and really got going, I soon passed up what I had been earning and increased my income by a little bit each month.
I am not saying that it was easy. It making money online was an easy thing to do, then everyone would be doing it. What I am saying is that it is simple, once you learn how to choose a niche and start building a list. Even a small list can be very lucrative when you promote things to them that they are interested in and willing to buy.
Find someone to teach you what you need to know. Learn the system they are using and duplicate the process exactly as they show you so that you can get the feel of what it is like to sell digital products, courses, and coaching from home. Try different things until it feels right for you. I encourage you to invest in yourself so that you can build passive income and enjoy the life you deserve.
Remember that starting an online business does not have to be difficult. Find out more by visiting http://www.DotcomJumpstart.com and learn how you can quickly build your online empire with digital products and eBooks, without having to start from scratch.
3:43 PM
The internet has made way for many new opportunities and connected the world in ways that were, only a few years ago, unimaginable for most people. Now, we're systematically becoming more interconnected than ever before and merging into one world, rather than a slew of individual contents separated by miles and miles of ocean.
So, what new opportunities are there out there for the brick-and-mortar marketplaces? Expanding their marketplace to the online consumers, or course! Imagine, rather than having a customer base of those people who wander into your physical location from the street, you could also be attracted hundreds of thousands of customers to your products online as well, if you chose to open an online store!
For those they currently aren't proprietors of a physical, or brick-and-mortar, store the benefits are even higher! You aren't required to sit behind a counter all day waiting for customers to wander into your store, the rent is definitely cheaper, and the maintenance is all by keyboard rather than hammer and nail! Plus, your customer base could literally be anyone with an internet browser, whereas with a physical location you only have access to those who can physically make the journey to your location to view your products! The online store owner can sell to his next door neighbor, or he can even sale a product to someone half-way around the world!
If you choose to open an online store, then you definitely have a great opportunity to increase your marketplace--imagine, people browsing online sifting through your entire store in only a matter of a few clicks of the mouse, adding products to their shopping cart, and all you have to do is ship the products to them!
Read more here for more information on opening your own online store.
3:38 PM
Success Leaves Traces, if you study successful people and do what they are doing then success is much more likely to come your way. Not only should you model what they are doing but you should also emulate their values, beliefs, strategies and qualities. Mindset is important and without the right mindset it is much harder to succeed...Dare I say it...Without the right mindset you won't succeed!
Qualities of Successful Internet Entrepreneurs, or any other successful entrepreneur for that matter.
1. The Reason
If the why is big enough the how will come. To succeed you need a dream. The big dream is the thing that motivates you and lights you up, it's the the thing you are most passionate about. Bill Gate's dream was to have a computer on every desk. Without a dream you won't succeed. Everyone has a different dream - what yours?
2. See the Big Picture or have an Overall Strategy for Success
The big picture is the overall plan, the vision, the strategy. Make sure you have a plan and don't get distracted by the little things along the way.
3. Chunk it Down
Starting at the beginning, with very little knowledge and big expectations can quickly lead to overwhelm. Avoid overwhelm at all costs it will crush you and lead you away from success. Instead chunk it down. Give yourself small goals frequently rather than one huge goal. It's easy to eat an elephant - you just take it one bite at a time.
4. Remain Focused
Don't try and do everything at once or learn everything at once. Just focus on one task at a time. One step at a time is the key to success.
5. Determination and Perseverance
These are qualities that are always demonstrated by successful people. Thomas Eddison tried many. many times before he found a light bulb that would work. So never, ever give up and be prepared to do the things that most other people won't. Most people give up way too early - these are the people that don't succeed! There is no such thing as failure, only feedback! There is heaps more stuff on failure, so you definitely need to get your head around failure. At school we are punished for making mistakes. If we make a mistake we fail a test. Making a mistake at school has very negative connotations. We really need to think a lot harder about what we teach kids! The truth is you need to fail to succeed and the quicker you want to succeed the quicker you should fail because you'll find out faster "what NOT to do"
6. Be Open to Opportunity
Opportunity is always there, you just have to be open to the possibility and it will show up. If you are open to opportunity then you won't miss it when it shows up.
7. Take Massive Action Immmediately
Don't wait until you know everything, you never will! Just take action and get started straight away - you'll learn everything you need to know as you go. It doesn't have to be perfect - it just has to be. Taking action is part of good decision making and people who are good decision makers are generally successful. Don't be afraid of investing time or money.
8. Successful Entrepreneurs have Mentors
A mentor is simply a teacher or a coach, someone who has already achieved what you want to achieve. The apprentice/teacher model has been around since the beginning of mankind. It is a tried and tested method of imparting knowledge and wisdom. A mentor will definitely shortcut your education process. You can learn from someone else's mistakes and have access to someone who knows the answers to your questions. They have to, they've already done what you want to achieve!
9. Have Written Goals
Writing your goals down makes them more concrete and is the first step to achieving them. There are many systems for goals setting so find one that suits you and implement it ASAP.
10. Mastermind
Surround yourself with like-minded people. To be successful you need to believe that you can be and you will be. Don't listen to those people who say it can't be done. I urge you to consider the above characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and think about how your journey from internet marketing newbie to successful internet marketing entrepreneur might be shortened by adding some of the above qualities to your own.
So, I again leave you with this final thought...Success Leaves Traces!
To find out more about my online journey to success and learn how to do it for yourself please visit me at my blog, Internet Marketing Newbie Diary. http://www.internetmarketingnewbiediary.com.
I have spent the last 9 months learning about internet marketing and I wish that I could have had this resource to start with - it would have saved me a lot of time. The Internet Marketing Newbie Diary is for people who have little or no knowledge about how to make money online. Every week I cover a new specific topic and take you from novice to expert in a step by step manner. http://www.internetmarketingnewbiediary.com
3:32 PM
In order to make easy money online, it pays to think in terms of multiple streams of income. Why is this important? Well, because you really do not want to put all your eggs in one basket.
With everything in life, it's always sensible to have alternatives. This article will give you some ideas on how to make money quickly, but it wouldn't do you any good if you only read it and not take action.
That is the part where most people tend to fall by the way side. They want some super easy ways to make money that does not require any amount of work.
Think about this for a moment, if you could work 8 hours or more for someone else, you should be able to spend more time working on your own business that if done with enough energy could make you financially free.
OK, let's look at these 3 quick money making ideas:
1. Spread bet stocks, indices or currencies: If you live in the UK, you can spread bet any stock, indices or currencies tax free. This is one way which you can make easy money online.
Here, you need to be able to control your emotions, and read stock charts comfortably.
2. Offer services like cheap hosting: You can easily get a reseller account from reputable hosting companies and set up your own hosting company.
The good thing about this is that it can be very cheap, and you're given all the tools and support needed to have you up and running in no time. That depends on the hosting company you use.
The best part is that if you use the right company, you keep 100% of the money you make.
3. Create your own membership site selling information products: This is very easy to set up, and you can make easy money online this way.
You can pretty much get all the resources you need to set one up for free. All it takes is a bit of research. You get to earn recurring income here, which is great.
You can use each of these 3 quick money making ideas to make easy money online. All it takes is a bit of energy from your part to learn how they work in detail.
Do you want to know another way to make quick money online? If your answer is yes, then go to this website now:
http://www.resellrightsbusinesssecrets.com/home.html You'll learn how to build your own Internet business empire and how to make lots of money.
3:29 PM
This schedule was killing me, I had to make some changes! I was working third shift in a warehouse moving boxes and loading a truck, then I would go home, relieve my husband, and get the kids ready for school. I would love to sleep but the baby, typically would not allow me to sleep more than a couple of hours at a time. I had to make a change, the money was okay but not enough to do more than make ends meet, plus my husband's hours had just been reduced to part time, with this economy. What I would give to be able to go to work in my PJ's!
How do you make this Online thing work for you?
1. What are you the expert on?
Has anyone ever told you that you can take your knowledge and put it to use for you to make money by writing about it?
2. No Technical Skills
You can really do this if you have the ability to send an e-mail and surf the internet. These are the two most vital skills you need t make money! The rest can be easily learned. It's simple, and at first I was skeptical, so if you are, DON'T WORRY!This makes SO MUCH SENSE...CHECK THIS OUT. I take something I knew about write a bit and make money! You do not need super special technical skills!
3. The Outline
NOW THAT YOU KNOW THE WHAT... ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS FOLLOW A PLAN. Most don't give you a plan to follow and this is why making money online does not work for most people, there is nothing concrete to follow.
4. Funding
The request for MONEY MUST BE LITTLE OR NONE AT ALL... otherwise you'll fall into the trap of making someone else a lot of money. YOU ARE IN THIS FOR YOU ! It is reasonable to expect to pay a little bit, for a self help guide, but no more!!
I felt a ray of hope! I could do this! I could really work from home in my PJ's. I knew that I would not be able to quit my job right away, but I had something to work towards! I saw that I had to have MOTIVATION, I knew that I had to pull this from within. I had to want to do this! Well no problem there, I did! I COULD REALLY DO THIS!
DESIRE. LOOK INSIDE...DESIRE THIS IS ALL UP TO YOU, you have to want it no one can do that for you. EVERYTHING ELSE CAN BE LEARNED. Now let me clarify it does take work, but it is SO DOABLE! If you are like me then you have questions, What makes this bring money in Where is the proof? I'm so glad you asked, take a quick minute and come with me I'll show you. No Experience, or Website Needed http://www.FOURDAYMONEYMAKER.INFO