3:29 PM
This schedule was killing me, I had to make some changes! I was working third shift in a warehouse moving boxes and loading a truck, then I would go home, relieve my husband, and get the kids ready for school. I would love to sleep but the baby, typically would not allow me to sleep more than a couple of hours at a time. I had to make a change, the money was okay but not enough to do more than make ends meet, plus my husband's hours had just been reduced to part time, with this economy. What I would give to be able to go to work in my PJ's!
How do you make this Online thing work for you?
1. What are you the expert on?
Has anyone ever told you that you can take your knowledge and put it to use for you to make money by writing about it?
2. No Technical Skills
You can really do this if you have the ability to send an e-mail and surf the internet. These are the two most vital skills you need t make money! The rest can be easily learned. It's simple, and at first I was skeptical, so if you are, DON'T WORRY!This makes SO MUCH SENSE...CHECK THIS OUT. I take something I knew about write a bit and make money! You do not need super special technical skills!
3. The Outline
NOW THAT YOU KNOW THE WHAT... ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS FOLLOW A PLAN. Most don't give you a plan to follow and this is why making money online does not work for most people, there is nothing concrete to follow.
4. Funding
The request for MONEY MUST BE LITTLE OR NONE AT ALL... otherwise you'll fall into the trap of making someone else a lot of money. YOU ARE IN THIS FOR YOU ! It is reasonable to expect to pay a little bit, for a self help guide, but no more!!
I felt a ray of hope! I could do this! I could really work from home in my PJ's. I knew that I would not be able to quit my job right away, but I had something to work towards! I saw that I had to have MOTIVATION, I knew that I had to pull this from within. I had to want to do this! Well no problem there, I did! I COULD REALLY DO THIS!
DESIRE. LOOK INSIDE...DESIRE THIS IS ALL UP TO YOU, you have to want it no one can do that for you. EVERYTHING ELSE CAN BE LEARNED. Now let me clarify it does take work, but it is SO DOABLE! If you are like me then you have questions, What makes this bring money in Where is the proof? I'm so glad you asked, take a quick minute and come with me I'll show you. No Experience, or Website Needed http://www.FOURDAYMONEYMAKER.INFO
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