3:38 PM
Success Leaves Traces, if you study successful people and do what they are doing then success is much more likely to come your way. Not only should you model what they are doing but you should also emulate their values, beliefs, strategies and qualities. Mindset is important and without the right mindset it is much harder to succeed...Dare I say it...Without the right mindset you won't succeed!
Qualities of Successful Internet Entrepreneurs, or any other successful entrepreneur for that matter.
1. The Reason
If the why is big enough the how will come. To succeed you need a dream. The big dream is the thing that motivates you and lights you up, it's the the thing you are most passionate about. Bill Gate's dream was to have a computer on every desk. Without a dream you won't succeed. Everyone has a different dream - what yours?
2. See the Big Picture or have an Overall Strategy for Success
The big picture is the overall plan, the vision, the strategy. Make sure you have a plan and don't get distracted by the little things along the way.
3. Chunk it Down
Starting at the beginning, with very little knowledge and big expectations can quickly lead to overwhelm. Avoid overwhelm at all costs it will crush you and lead you away from success. Instead chunk it down. Give yourself small goals frequently rather than one huge goal. It's easy to eat an elephant - you just take it one bite at a time.
4. Remain Focused
Don't try and do everything at once or learn everything at once. Just focus on one task at a time. One step at a time is the key to success.
5. Determination and Perseverance
These are qualities that are always demonstrated by successful people. Thomas Eddison tried many. many times before he found a light bulb that would work. So never, ever give up and be prepared to do the things that most other people won't. Most people give up way too early - these are the people that don't succeed! There is no such thing as failure, only feedback! There is heaps more stuff on failure, so you definitely need to get your head around failure. At school we are punished for making mistakes. If we make a mistake we fail a test. Making a mistake at school has very negative connotations. We really need to think a lot harder about what we teach kids! The truth is you need to fail to succeed and the quicker you want to succeed the quicker you should fail because you'll find out faster "what NOT to do"
6. Be Open to Opportunity
Opportunity is always there, you just have to be open to the possibility and it will show up. If you are open to opportunity then you won't miss it when it shows up.
7. Take Massive Action Immmediately
Don't wait until you know everything, you never will! Just take action and get started straight away - you'll learn everything you need to know as you go. It doesn't have to be perfect - it just has to be. Taking action is part of good decision making and people who are good decision makers are generally successful. Don't be afraid of investing time or money.
8. Successful Entrepreneurs have Mentors
A mentor is simply a teacher or a coach, someone who has already achieved what you want to achieve. The apprentice/teacher model has been around since the beginning of mankind. It is a tried and tested method of imparting knowledge and wisdom. A mentor will definitely shortcut your education process. You can learn from someone else's mistakes and have access to someone who knows the answers to your questions. They have to, they've already done what you want to achieve!
9. Have Written Goals
Writing your goals down makes them more concrete and is the first step to achieving them. There are many systems for goals setting so find one that suits you and implement it ASAP.
10. Mastermind
Surround yourself with like-minded people. To be successful you need to believe that you can be and you will be. Don't listen to those people who say it can't be done. I urge you to consider the above characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and think about how your journey from internet marketing newbie to successful internet marketing entrepreneur might be shortened by adding some of the above qualities to your own.
So, I again leave you with this final thought...Success Leaves Traces!
To find out more about my online journey to success and learn how to do it for yourself please visit me at my blog, Internet Marketing Newbie Diary. http://www.internetmarketingnewbiediary.com.
I have spent the last 9 months learning about internet marketing and I wish that I could have had this resource to start with - it would have saved me a lot of time. The Internet Marketing Newbie Diary is for people who have little or no knowledge about how to make money online. Every week I cover a new specific topic and take you from novice to expert in a step by step manner. http://www.internetmarketingnewbiediary.com
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