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5 Methods to Generate Leads For Free


It does not matter what you do and what you are selling - Everything starts with a lead.

Leads become customers and customers puts money in your pocket at the end of the day. You can compare this method with a funnel. The more leads you put into the top of the funnel the more customers you will get and the more sales you will make, plain and simple.

There are literally thousands of ways to generate leads. Some are free and some you have to pay for.

I want to focus on a few free methods that you can use on the internet to generate traffic to your website which in turn generate leads to you.

Methods include :

1. Articles
2. Press Releases
3. Videos
4. Blogs
5. Social Media

Articles are the easiest and quickest method to generate free leads. Choose a topic to write about that is in line with what you have to offer. Articles should consist of 250 words and then post it to your favorite articles submission website. Remember to offer value to your readers, don't try to sell them something, people don't like to be sold.

Press releases are almost the same as an article. The major difference is that you must write it in a format that you tell the audience your story in news format. Your heading would be something like this for example - "Internet Guru explains exactly how he started his successful online business in just a few short months." Press releases are also generally shorter than articles and can be posted on various submitting websites.

Videos are an excellent way of generating free leads. You can use a webcam or any digital camera that supports video. Videos should once again offer value to your prospect. They must be able to walk away with something to value of them after watching your video without having to purchase something from you.Videos should not be longer than 2-3 minutes.

Blogs are a great way to connect with your prospects on a more personal level. Make sure that you have photos and stories on your blog so that people can relate to you. Remember that people generally buys from people... if they can relate to you then they will most probably buy from you. You can setup a blog by using WordPress.

Social media such as Twitter and Facebook are also brilliant tools you can use to generate free leads. Once again, this is to build rapport with your prospects. A good rule of thumb is not to try and sell anything using social media. Use the tools to connect with you prospects. Make them come to you and don't ever chase after any prospect again.

By using these 5 methods you can easily generate free leads within a few days.

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